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Total * Markup * Tax in JavaScript

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If someone could help me with a couple of things:

1). When the page first loads, all of the Total fields start with NaN. Is there a way I can start them out as blank, or 0? I tried putting in a placeholder, but it still doesnt work.

2.) I cannot seem to figure out how to get the currency format to work on these Total fields. The SubTotal ends with 1 digit after the decimal point, and the County Tax Total often has many digits after the decimal. Is there a way I can format all of these Total fields as currency? They are already set as Currency DataType and I have the app localization set for currency as well, to no effect

Thanks again.

//Virtual 13 is the new subtotal after calculations

document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {
function calculate() {
    var subTotal = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordSubtotal").value);
    var markUp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMarkUp").value);
    var countyTax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCounty_Tax").value);
    var miscPerc = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMisc_Percent").value);
    var freight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordFreight_Total").value);

    var markUpTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMarkUp_Total").value = (subTotal) * (markUp);

    var countyTaxTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordCountyTax_Total").value = (subTotal) * (countyTax);

    var miscPercTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMisc_Percent_Total").value = (subTotal) * (miscPerc);

    document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual13").value = (subTotal) + (markUpTotal) + (countyTaxTotal) + (miscPercTotal) + (freight);
 setInterval(calculate, 1500);



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  • 2 weeks later...


You can use the following JS code if you decide to use a custom code.

<script type="text/javascript">

function calculate() {

    var subTotal = isNaN(parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordSubtotal").value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordSubtotal").value);
    var markUp = isNaN(parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMarkUp").value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMarkUp").value) ;
    var countyTax = isNaN(parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCounty_Tax").value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCounty_Tax").value);
    var miscPerc = isNaN(parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMisc_Percent").value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMisc_Percent").value);
    var freight = isNaN(parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordFreight_Total").value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordFreight_Total").value);

    var markUpTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMarkUp_Total").value = (subTotal) * (markUp);

    var countyTaxTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordCountyTax_Total").value = (subTotal) * (countyTax);

    var miscPercTotal = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMisc_Percent_Total").value = (subTotal) * (miscPerc);

    document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = (subTotal) + (markUpTotal) + (countyTaxTotal) + (miscPercTotal) + (freight);
setInterval(calculate, 1500);




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2 hours ago, Vitalikssssss said:

Hi @kpcollier,

Why do not you use Calculated value to perform such calculation?

You can use isNull function in Calculated value in order to replace null with zero.

IsNull([@field:Number], -0)

Hope this helps.



I was originally using calculated fields for this page, but because I have so many of them, it made the loading speed incredibly slow. This is used for estimating so I need a ton of dropdowns and calculations on a single form.

Thank you for the updated code - I greatly appreciate it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone could help me out with trying to format this, it would be great! ALL of my JS calculations are coming out as just a number. (i.e. '12345.678' instead of '12,345.68'). I think it is because I am manipulating the numbers through the js script above, so it is just ignoring the formatting options. I am not sure. All of the Totals fields are currency datatype, but they still show up as just a number. If there is anyway I can format it as USD currency, that would be great.


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