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PDF of Report not showing records



I have a report that I have created using the method in this video, which utilizes an embedded DataPage in an iframe to create almost a master/sub report effect. It works great when I am viewing the report in the browser, but when I turn on the option to enable a PDF download of the report, the PDF that is produced shows "No Records Found" for the subreport portion of the Report. Even though records are being displayed when viewed in the browser. Has anyone run into this issue?


pdf view.pdf brower view.pdf

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You mentioned that you are using iframes in your DataPages like embedding a DataPage inside of another DataPage, right? Have you tried to check if you are passing/receiving the parameters correctly in the iframes? I encountered one issue in the past that It doesn't load the records in the PDF even if it is showing in the report, what I have done is checked the iframe deployment code if it passes/receives the parameter correctly.


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2 hours ago, JayDub said:

I have a report that I have created using the method in this video, which utilizes an embedded DataPage in an iframe to create almost a master/sub report effect. It works great when I am viewing the report in the browser, but when I turn on the option to enable a PDF download of the report, the PDF that is produced shows "No Records Found" for the subreport portion of the Report. Even though records are being displayed when viewed in the browser. Has anyone run into this issue?


pdf view.pdf 96.74 kB · 5 downloads brower view.pdf 56.27 kB · 2 downloads

I can't replicate it, seems to be working fine for me. Have you tried other browser or device? maybe something is blocking the iframe when pdf is downloaded?

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@NailDyanC you were correct. The issue was that I was filtering the "child" datapage by receiving a parameter when I walked through the datapage creation wizard, so it worked fine when it was on a page that was receiving the parameter, but I didn't explicitly pass the parameter value in the URL that was used in the iframe on the "parent" datapage, so it would come up empty in the PDF.

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Hi @JayDub, that is good to know. However, one problem with it is once you will print/view it in a PDF format, it will only print the first page even if you still have another page for some records. My solution to that is to maximize the number of records that will show in your tabular report so that it will be included in one page printing of your details page.

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Hello everyone, just want to let you know that Caspio has new enhancement about Document Generation. They introduced more data formatting options, including regional settings to influence how text, numeric, currency and date/time values appear in our generated PDF documents. You may check this link about the new release enhancements: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-33-0/

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Hey there! Caspio releases new enhancements to the document generation feature, check this out: 

Support for images in addition to text in PDF watermarks
Additional capabilities that determine when a PDF checkbox should be selected or not: 
- More conditions added for date/time and timestamp fields 
- The ability to use display values of related tables in conditions 
Additional “Data source type” column on the document templates list view
Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-36-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Document Generation

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Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the document generation feature, refer below: 

  • Ability to sort values from related tables for generated PDF files
  • New “Last generated” column on document templates list view
  • Customization of Date/Time format in PDF files

Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-40-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Document Generation 

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