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Display List-String as list not comma-separated

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I'm not sure where you need this for since you've already mentioned it's the same as the Display Only one, however, this can be done through JavaScript


First, create an HTML block, Disable HTML Editor, and add this

<ul id="listing">

This is where the values will be listed


Next on the Footer


var listString= "[@field:ListNUm]";

var mainList = document.getElementById("listing");
var arrayList = listString.split(',');

for(var i=0;i<arrayList.length;i++){
         var elem = document.createElement("li");


Change the field in the var listString using the FIELD PICKER, make sure you're using String, if it's a List-number DataType, still use String.




This is how it looks, ListNUm is the Display Only Field, Just the Field is an HTML Block where I inserted the ListNUm field, Listed is an HTML block using this method.

NOTE: What this does is separate the value between commas, so, if you have commas in your List-String choices, this will not work for you.

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