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Triggered Action for Bulk Data Update



With the help of a Caspio Chat Support agent, Ian Natividad (very helpful person),  I managed to create a triggered action that would update fields from one table after a certain value is entered from another table.

I have over 200 records and now wish to update all in one go by uploading an excel workbook update.  But the trigger I created (through the very helpful person), doesn't seem to work on bulk updates. It only works when I do a one record update at a time activity.

Am I missing something? Or are triggers designed to only work on one single record update action at a time?   Please help.  Below is the said trigger.

:) Thank you in advance.




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I believe it is because Triggered Actions do not run on import of data, both manually and from the DataHub.

You can find this in the "Additional Notes about Triggered Actions" section towards the bottom of this page:


Also, there is a maximum amount of records that can be updated via Triggered Actions at one time, and this number changes depending on the plan you have. You can find this on that same page I linked.

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4 hours ago, kpcollier said:

I believe it is because Triggered Actions do not run on import of data, both manually and from the DataHub.

You can find this in the "Additional Notes about Triggered Actions" section towards the bottom of this page:


Also, there is a maximum amount of records that can be updated via Triggered Actions at one time, and this number changes depending on the plan you have. You can find this on that same page I linked.


Thank you so much for this information.


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