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Submission of new records in multiple tables on one datapage



Very new to the Caspio interface although not to programming.  I am getting used to what it does automatically and what it doesn't.  I'd like to create a survey form in a single data page where the user starts by entering their email which becomes the parent record for the answer to many questions.  Each question can have one or more answers.  The schema (without all attributes ) is:

Survey_Entry (id autonumber, email text)

Survey_Question (id autonumber, question text)

Survey_Answers (id autonumber, Survey_Question_id integer, Survey_Answers text(64000)

Survey_Participant_Answers (id autonumber, Survey_Entry_id integer, Survey_Question_id integer, Survey_Answer_ID integer, Survey_Answer text(64000) note: for responses for "other")

I'd like the user to enter their email which inserts into Survey_Entry, that enables the list of questions with the possible answers and they go through checkboxing or entering answers scrolling down till the end

Each answer would add a record to the Survey_Participant_Answers table.  Some of the answers are "all that apply" so for those do i need to fully normalize or can the options in a list integer datatype be entered programmatically rather than selected from a static set of options?

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