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Authentication field problem




I hope someone can help me with this one. I have a Company table which I've connected with Transactions table and Company Reps table. I want to create a report with the following criteria: Company (from Transactions table) = Company (from Company Reps table). I selected an option filter data based on your pre-defined criteria, selected Company as filter and then went to advanced tab and selected Company = Company (from Users table). I don't see any records matching the criteria, and there should be a few records. Any idea what might went wrong?

Thank you all in advance.

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Hi @Aleksandra!  What does these tables look like (table design)? What table are you trying to create a report with and what records are you expecting to see? From you description, looks like you are already in the process of setting up the report form using pre-defined criteria and parameters. I'll gladly help if you could provide this information. :) 

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Hi @Aleksandra, Perhaps you can use "View to filter your desired criteria or even connect it to a different tables if needed and then use that View as Data Source of your report DataPage. Refer here:



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