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Link in Email to Update Record



Has anyone figured out a workflow to let users update a record through emails?

The idea I have in mind - a Task or Trigger sends out an email on a condition. The email has 2 links - Yes or No. If the user clicks the No link, there will be no updates to the record, or the record is updated to 'No'. On the other hand, if they click the Yes link, the record in question would be updated with the Yes value. 

Trying to make it so they don't need to go into the website, go to the App, find the record, then update it after they get the email. Just a quick click from the notification email link and the record is updated.

I'm guessing I'd need some type of form to pop up on the click of the link, then some JS to update the value and click submit. Then display a success message. But, if there is an easier way that someone has already done this with, I'd love to see it.

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On 6/9/2023 at 9:35 AM, kpcollier said:

I'm guessing I'd need some type of form to pop up on the click of the link, then some JS to update the value and click submit. Then display a success message.

Well, this is exactly what I did. 

I used a Task to send an email to the Customer. The select statement inside the email block let's me get ahold of the ID field for the record. In the Email Message, I created two popup links to the Single Record Update form, each with different parameters. The SRU form has an autosubmit function on it, found in the post below. When the 'Yes' link is clicked, the Status will update to reflect that the customer is still interested. If the 'No' link is clicked, or the email is ignored, the Status is updated to Closed. In both cases, the customer only sees the confirmation message from the form.


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