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Tabular report - dynamically change text color based on value



I'm new to this.  I have a tabular report of patient's various tests (e.g. [ blood work], [ekg], [ultrasound]) listing the status of the test (e.g. 'Pending', 'Completed'). I'd like to show 'Pending' in color red, 'Completed' in color green.  Is this possible and if so how best to do this? Is it also possible to have these fields have links to individual single record update data pages where the details could be entered


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I use a CASE statement and the code below. The Virtual field is displayed to the user. It uses as it's base input value ([@cbParamVirtual1]) but could also use a table flield as well

You must wrap each THEN stmt using single quotes as the encased HTML uses double quotes. On most datapage types this works (Submission, Edit, Report, and I think Lists <== I haven't tried yet). It consistently works for me and I have had this in production for the last four months.

1.  Define the Virtual field you want to display (give it a Label, ie, Status)

WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] < 18.5 THEN '<span style="color:#FFC20E;font-weight:bold;">Underweight</span>'
WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] BETWEEN 18.5 AND 24.9 THEN '<span style="color:#669900;font-weight:bold;">Healthy Weight</span>'
WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] BETWEEN 25 AND 29.9 THEN '<span style="color:#FFC000;font-weight:bold;">Overweight</span>'
WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] BETWEEN 30 AND 34.9 THEN '<span style="color:#ED7D31;font-weight:bold;">Obese</span>'
WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] > 35 THEN '<span style="color:#C00000;font-weight:bold;">Extremely Obese</span>'


To Make it a Link: MUST USE single Quotes to encase THEN part of stmt (this stmt is a POPUP Link and displays an Icon as part of the displayed link. Remove what you don't need

WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] < 18.5 THEN '<a class="cbMenuItem" href="#" onclick="window.open(&quot;https://c1hcr495.caspio.com/dp/66ceb000a900a3cc048442e395b7?FoodGroupID=[@field:MyFoodGroup_FoodGroupID]&quot;,&quot;mywindow&quot;, &quot;menubar=1,resizable=1,width=1025,height=600&quot;)"><img alt="" src="[@field:FoodGroup_FoodGroupImage/]" style="width: 35px; height: 35px; margin: 1px;" /></a>'




I hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any questions.


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