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Modify tables in view



I created a View which joins two tables (inner).

table one is a member table which contains information about each member (key = "member_id").

table two is an order table which contains information about each order placed (key = "order_id").

I am interested in creating a submission form which IDEALLY simultaneously places an order AND creates a new member. to the best of my understanding, this would require updating both tables in the View, which seems to be prohibited.

Any thoughts on how to do this?

Thank you!

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Best way is to have users register first so you have the member info in your member table. Then create an authenticated submission page based on order table. This way you can get the member ID from authentication table and save it in order table. To get a report of all of the orders of that user then you can use the view as the source of the report page.

Here is the tutorial about authentication: http://howto.caspio.com/authentication/ ... ntication/

Let me know if it helps.


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We cannot modify table through views, but, if you want to create a record in two different tables at once, you may use triggered actions. Through that, you may check if a member already exists, and if not, the trigger will create one.


More information about Triggered Actions can be found through this HowTo Article Link: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/triggered-actions/

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