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Allow users to edit records only for a certain timeframe?



Does anyone know if it is possible in Caspio to set up a system where after a user submits a record through a form, they only have a limited timeframe to edit that record through a report(say 1 week)?

I've got a database where I can't allow users to edit historical records. So after a user submits a record, the user has no ability to edit the data - just view it. However, it would be handy if users could have a limited amount of time available to edit data input errors, and not involve a database administrator. I haven't been able to figure out a way of doing it yet. Just wondering if anyone else has set up something like this?

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There is a solution. You need to have two separate reports, one only for editing purpose for example through Details page (make fields editable on the details page) and another one for viewing records so fields on details page will be Display Only.

You also need to create a timestamp in your table to record the date and time upon submission. See how at http://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/w ... 6-9-5.html.

Then in the report which is for editing purpose, add the timestamp field in to the filtering fields or a hidden search fields (if your report has search form). Then in the next step "Configure Filtering Fields" (or Configure Search Fields), create two criteria using the "New Criteria" insert button, choose "OR" as logical operator then setup the Comparison Type for each criteria as "Previous X Days" value 7 (set the value as desired), "Today".

This way the record will only show up if the submission date is within the past 7 days. Does this help?


Bahar M

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