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Calculated Remaining Inventory Quantity




I have a table that record In-Out inventory transaction by batch number.

My case :

On Out transaction I want, user can only select product that still have a remaining quantity, I want to hide a zero quantity product.

the remaining quantity will be group by batch number

How can I do that ?


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Hi Barry and ParkLoey,

What I meant, When user input Out Transaction,  insert product Name and Quantity, If they input quantity larger than available quantity, they can't submit the record.


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Hi @IVAN88,

You can hide the button to prevent the users from submitting the record if the value they enter is greater than the available quantity. 

First, you need a formula to compare the available quantity and the requested quantity. You can use a Virtual Field > Calculated Value.

For example:

CASE WHEN [@field:Quantity] > (SELECT (Product_Quantity) FROM TABLE WHERE Product_Name = target.[@Product_Name]) 
THEN 'Available' 
ELSE 'Not Available' 

Then, add this script in the Footer of the DataPage:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {
document.querySelector("input[name='cbParamVirtual1']").addEventListener('change', function() {
if (document.querySelector("input[name='cbParamVirtual1']").value == 'Not Available') {
document.getElementsByClassName('cbSubmitButtonContainer ')[0].style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName('cbSubmitButtonContainer ')[0].style.display = 'inline';


NOTE: The cbParamVirtual1 refers to the Virtual Field 1.


Hope this helps.

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