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Auto complete and the submission form



Ok, very new and extremely dense. Here's the game:

I am creating a new vehicle entry datapage. On this page, I have ordered the vehicle information as such. Model, Make and year range. I am using a lookup table that contains three fields. (model, the associated make and the year range they built that model)

Since I have always thought entering the make of a car, then searching the model was 2 steps to he-doublehockeysticks, I am trying to make the form auto populate the Make and the Year range from the lookup table by entering the model of the car (begins with). I would like to have the drop down display the model list that begins with, then have the user click the choice and have it auto populate the rest.

I just can't seem to get it done. The closest I have come was with a report and even then, I had to click the 'search' button to get it to work... I want this to be part of a bigger submission form.


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Ok, worked it out. Still have a few questions.

I used a cascading list box. It has the annoying habit of creating a scroll bar. If there is more than one selection in 'Make', how can I create a dynamic box that will expand to however many choices the user has? Also, would like to set a static width so it matches the rest of the fields on the page.

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