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Parameter passing on same page



I am using Caspio Bridge for a sports league I run. I have a Schedule Table with Game_Date, Team A, Team B, Location, Game. Game is the unique field in each row of the table. I have a second table which the users populate through drop down lists called Game Summary with Game_Date, Name, Email, Game, Location, Winner, Loser, Score, Game_Summary. In the Data Page for Game Summary, I prompt the users for the fields from the Schedule Table to populate the Game Summary Table. What I'd like to do is prompt the user for the Game_Date, then query the Schedule Table so the user can select their Game based on the date provided. Then I want to query the schedule and prompt the user for the winning and losing teams based on the Game they selected. The way I have it set up now, the users need to scan through all the games for the whole season to select their game. Any suggestions?

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