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Extract Day Of The Week From Date




I have two fields in my submission form - date and day.

The customer selects date (via calendar pop up text field). 

I need the day field to automatically be populated by the day of the week from the date input (so someone inputs 25/12/2013 and the day field automatically says 'Wednesday' or whatever).


Currently, I'm tackling this in a very roundabout way, by passing a long date to a report data page and then using rules (if date contains 'Monday' then hide section 1 etc).

This is laborious and requires the user to click again on a url link.


There must be an easier way. Does anyone know how?

Ideally some javascript to just take the day of the week from the date field would be good.

If that's not possible, then javascript that basically says "if [@field:date] contains 'Monday' then go to data page XXXXXXX" 


All help appreciated.





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Try the following code to get the day automatically if the date is selected from a submission form


Remember to change the element id "InsertRecordFieldNameofDate" and "InsertRecordFieldNameofDayName"

function myFunction()
var sub_date = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDate").value;
var d = new Date(sub_date); 
var weekday=new Array(7);

var x = weekday[d.getDay()];
document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDayName").value = x; 

document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDate").addEventListener("change", myFunction);

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Hello Duncan,


One workaround would be to create the submission form and have the user submit the date. Upon submit, he can be redirected to another Details DataPage where you will pass the ID from the submission form as a parameter. You can have a pre-defined criteria for this Details page and add a calculated field with the following SQL code.This will display the details to the user upon submit with the day of the date entered.


SELECT DATENAME(dw,[@field:Date_submitted])


I hope this helps.






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