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Button Such As "select Button" In Multi-Select Js





I followed the instructions for enabling multi-select in my list box. I am successful in doing this and was very happy to be able to multi-select. 


However, the JS that were available for this does not include a button to let users know that in addition to being able to multi-select, they can also click a button to let them know that they have selected their choices. 


In addition to this, I also have the fields pass parameters to a virtual box, so that users can see actually what they have chosen.  But this does not become immediately visible until after they press the "Submit" button at the very end of the form, and then going back to the page by pressing the back button on of their web page.


1.) Is there a way to add a button that say "select" just below the multi-select box? 

2.) Also, is there a way to show the selections from the multi-select box to a virtual box instantly after pressing the "SELECT" button? 


I attached a copy of my form for reference.


Any help will be immensely appreciated. 







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Hi Elena,


You have written:

In addition to this, I also have the fields pass parameters to a virtual box, so that users can see actually what they have chosen. But this does not become immediately visible until after they press the "Submit" button at the very end of the form, and then going back to the page by pressing the back button on of their web page.


I would recommend you to use "on load" parameters too and set Destination as "Same form".

So, when a user opens the form firstly, she/he will not see any parameters. When he/she will click "Submit" the data will be saved and displayed again.


Maybe it is better to select as destination "Go to a new page" and enter a new Update Form, that will display choices of a user and allow to edit them.

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Good suggestion. I will do the onload param. But the "same form" option may not be feasible, as I have the form go to another datapage when submtted to continue completing the big form. 


I will try another trick: the good old pop-up page option (which I know can be counter-productive to my users who tend to disable the pop-up windows in their browsers).

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I did the onload parameter and the "same page" submission. This did the trick in terms of instantenously showing the results of the selections.  


My next question however is, how do I add a page button so that there is another button to let users go to the "Next" update page through a new html page. This is in addition to the default "submit", which I now customized in the locallization to read as "Confirm Selections").


I know I can just add a hyperlink "next", but I would like the look and feel to be the same as the default, so that I will have two buttons that have the same look and shape.


How might I be able to do this?


All help is wonderfullly appreciated.

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