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Using Multiple Javascripts In Submission Forms

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I have a question about using multiple JavaScripts in a single submission form. I want to use three different JavaScripts in a single form, but as soon as I enter in more than one the other stops working.


For example, in my footer I have one to concatenate email address for the acknowledgement email into a virtual field and one to do a date check to make sure one date is greater than today's date, etc.


When I enter the date script the concatenation script stops working and vice versa.


I have tried moving the date check script to an HTML box but it does not resolve the issue.


Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.



I have attached my footer scripts for convenience.




function concatenate()
var position1 = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordStore_Email")[0].value;
//alert("position1 :" + position1 );
//alert("position1+ :" + document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordStore_Email")[0].value);
var position2 = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordBiller_Email")[0].value;
//alert("position2 :" + position2 );
//alert("position2+ :" + document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordBiller_Email")[0].value);
var allpositions = position1 + ";" + position2;
document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value = allpositions;
 function checkStart()
   var v_sDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordInStoreSFA_Start").value;
   var v_eDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordInStoreSFA_End").value;
   var sDate = new Date(v_sDate);
   var eDate = new Date(v_eDate);
   var nDate = new Date();
   nDate = Date.now();
   var setToday = sDate.getDate() + 1;
   setToday = eDate.getDate() + 1;
   if (sDate<nDate)
         alert("SFA start date must be greater than today");
         return false;
            if (eDate<sDate)
                  alert("SFA end date must be greater than SFA start date");
                  return false;
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Hello Liz,


I think, you can try to write the code of both functions in one, like the following code:


function bothFunctions()
var position1 = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordStore_Email")[0].value;
//alert("position1 :" + position1 );
//alert("position1+ :" + document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordStore_Email")[0].value);

var position2 = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordBiller_Email")[0].value;
//alert("position2 :" + position2 );
//alert("position2+ :" + document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordBiller_Email")[0].value);

var allpositions = position1 + ";" + position2;

document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value = allpositions;

var v_sDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordInStoreSFA_Start").value;
var v_eDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordInStoreSFA_End").value;
var sDate = new Date(v_sDate);
var eDate = new Date(v_eDate);
var nDate = new Date();
nDate = Date.now();
var setToday = sDate.getDate() + 1;
setToday = eDate.getDate() + 1;
if (sDate<nDate)
         alert("SFA start date must be greater than today");
         return false;
            if (eDate<sDate)
                  alert("SFA end date must be greater than SFA start date");
                  return false;

I hope, it helps.

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