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Payroll Calculation Questions

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I have two tables, one a general employee table (Payroll master) with emplyee id, payrate, etc.  Another with weekly hours (Payroll journal).  I have a submission datapage to enter hours.  And in a Tabular datapage with a View of both these tables, I can calculate the weekly pay based on rate and hours.  However, I can't seem to figure out how to capture this calculated field in the payroll journal table so its archived.  I have tried JS but it doesn't work (I try to pull in the pay rate from master table in a virtual field based on employee ID, and use the entered value for regular hours).





function calculateregpay()


   var v_reghr = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordPayroll_journal_Regular_Hours").value);

   var v_regpay  = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordPayroll_master_Pay_rate").value);

   var v_totalreghr  = (v_reghr * v_ regpay);

   document.getElementById("InsertRecordPayroll_journal_Regular_Pay").value = (v_ totalreghr).toFixed(2);



 /* On submitting the webform, the function calculate is executed */






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did you try preloading a value on page load, of 0, for hours?


Also, I have a similar need, but instead of doing this, I've disabled deletions, and editing either value after submission. This way, a user cannot change values after the fact, and if a user deletes, but it was paid, it was only "marked for deletion" and omitted from reports, but not truly deleted. I think this accomplishes "Archiving," though I'm curious what you think. THanks

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Hello pgjacob,


If I understand correctly, there are two misprints in the code:


var v_totalreghr  = (v_reghr * v_ regpay);

document.getElementById("InsertRecordPayroll_journal_Regular_Pay").value = (v_ totalreghr).toFixed(2);


Spaces break the code.


And, if you use a Virtual field, the id of Virtual field is "cbParamVirtual1" (you can see more details about Ids and Names).


I hope, it helps.

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