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Comparing dates in submission form

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The thing I'm trying to achieve is that users of my app can only plan a date after today, with "rules" I am able to display a message when a user selects a date before today with the date picker. I achieve this by hiding a section when the given date is ok (Input_date > Timestamp). But while it is not possible to prevent users from submitting the form when a condition is not met, I'm trying to find a solution in javascript. The problem that occurs is that the format differs, the inputfield of the user is DD-MM-YYYY and the timestamp i compare it with is MM/DD/YYYY.  Strangely this is not a problem with "rules". 

The code I use:

  function myFunction(){
  var StartDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStartDate").value;
  var Today = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; 
  // This virtual field receives the timestamp onload
  if (StartDate < Today){
  alert('Not all conditions are met");

How can I fix this issue? 

Thanks in advance. 

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Hi Sander,

In the virtual field on load receive external parameter [@cbTimestamp*].

In this case time will be excluded. Also edit Localization and make date input mask like DD/MM/YYYY. You can find this setting in "Formatting Standards"

I've edited your script:

  function myfunction(){
  var StartDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStartDate").value;
  var Today = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; 

if (StartDate<Today||StartDate==Today)
  alert('Not all conditions are met');
       return false;


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