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Update Field table

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I have a single update form that receives a parameter in a Virtual field. I need to update an existing field (FulfilledQtyDiaper) by adding its current value and the value of the virtual field. I have this script in my Footer but it is not working.


<br />
function UpdateQty()
       var d = parseInt(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value);
        var newd = d + parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value);
        document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value  = newd;
 document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit= UpdateQty;
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Hi NeoInJS,

I tried the script on my end and it works out-of-the-box. Please check the following to ensure that the script works on your end:

  1. The FulfilledQtyDiaper table field must be a Number.
  2. On the Single Record Update DataPage, the FulfilledQtyDiaper must be displayed as a Text Field. You can check this setting in the Standard tab of the Configure Fields screen, under General Options  > Form Elements.

Hope this helps.

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  • 7 years later...

Hello @chthorne,

The 'onsubmit' event doesn`t work now, please use the 'BeforeFormSubmit' event instead:

document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) {
        const d = parseInt(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value);
        const newd = d + parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value); 
        document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value  = newd;

If you need further assistance please provide more details about your use case. 

In the initial question in this thread Virtual field receives a parameter. On your screenshot, it passes a value as parameter. 

In the code, the values are converted to integers. Perhaps, you have numbers that include decimal palaces so the values should be converted with parseFloat() and not with parseInt().

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I made it to work by using BeforeFormSubmit event instead. The above code looks like the following with that modification: 


function UpdateQty()
       var d = parseInt(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value);
        var newd = d + parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value);
        document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilledQtyDiaper").value  = newd;
document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', UpdateQty);


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