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I'm creating an appointment request form but I've run into a problem I can't seem to figure out.

I'm trying to figure out how to filter a dropdown/picklist based on multiple criteria.

Criteria # 1 Office location. - Client selects an office location first, so I used it as the parent field of my cascading dropdown

Criteria # 2 Is the date of the requested appointment (Date_Requested) the current date or date in the future

Criteria # 3 If the date of the requested appointment is the current date, filter by appointment slots greater than 2 hours.

The dropdown list is another table in my system which contains the following fields.


Timeslot (ie. 8 am-9 am)

Appt_Hour (this is the hour of the time slot, ie. 8 am - 9 am shows as 08)

Current (this is a y/n field)


Basically what I need to happen, is that when a user selects the facility and the requested date of appointment,

*if the requested date is after today, they will be shown all appointment slots for that facility that are marked "N" in the Current field

*if the requested date if for the current date, it will show only appointment slots that are marked "Y" in the current field and who are greater than 2 hours in the future. ie. if they request an appointment at 10:30 for the same day, the available appointment slots are 1pm-2pm, 2pm-3pm, etc.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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It should work if you separate your search and report in two pages, and then in the search page have a code to send parameter value to pre-defined report.


 function f_cal(){

var rdate = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").value;
if (rdate > '[@cbTimestamp*]'){
document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").value = "N";

} else if (rdate < '[@cbTimestamp*]'){
document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value = "Y";
document.getElementById('Submit').onmouseover =f_cal;

Virtual 2 is Date and Virtual 3 is hidden and holding the value to pass over to the report.

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