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Upload a File into a Data Table

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Hello everyone.

Quick question.  I know I'm asking for a lot here but is it possible to create a javascript where users can upload multiple fields directly into a table?  Currently you can download a spreadsheet of your table in the Data Report portion, but I am wondering if there is a way for the user to take that exact spreadsheet, fill it out, and upload it into the same data table through a data page?

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6 hours ago, diversity said:

Hello everyone.

Quick question.  I know I'm asking for a lot here but is it possible to create a javascript where users can upload multiple fields directly into a table?  Currently you can download a spreadsheet of your table in the Data Report portion, but I am wondering if there is a way for the user to take that exact spreadsheet, fill it out, and upload it into the same data table through a data page?


I don't think that it's possible to implement that only on front end using java script. You may contact Professional Services team, I think they will be able to implement that.

You can append data to table using manual import or scheduled import task. But it's impossible to insert more than 1 record at once though the datapage.

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