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Auto-resize iframes containing report DataPages

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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to automatically resize an iframe that contains a tabular report? I set the container iframe to a fixed width and height. However, that gives me too much space upon hitting the Search button and viewing the results page, which is larger than the search form.

I tried searching online but no luck. Please help.

Thanks in advance.


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You can try adding this code in the iframe deployment   frameborder="0" width="auto" height="auto"     or       frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"


Example of iframe deployment:    

<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" name="Multi Java and Format Mask" title="Multi Java and Format Mask" src="https://c2ffn194.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=aa2840008e9f36cd7e654ff6bc34">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe>


Hope this helps.

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Hi dspolyglot,

You can also try the following:

  1. [RECOMMENDED] Create an external HTML file in your web hosting provider. [OR] you can also create an HTML DataPage.
  2. Use this code inside the <body> element:
  3. <!-- iframe container -->
    <div id="cb-iframe-container"></div>
    <!-- REFERENCE: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9249680/how-to-check-if-iframe-is-loaded-or-it-has-a-content -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function checkIframeLoaded()
            // Get a handle to the iframe element
            var iframe    = document.getElementById('cb-iframe-1');
            var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
            // Check if loading is complete
            if (iframeDoc.readyState === 'complete')
                // The loading is complete. Call the function we want executed once the iframe is loaded
            // If we are here, it is not loaded. Set things up so we check the status again in 100 milliseconds
            window.setTimeout('checkIframeLoaded();', 100);
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var previousHeight = '0px';
        var previousWidth  = '0px';
    <!-- REFERENCE: http://www.dyn-web.com/tutorials/iframes/height/demo.php -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function setIframeDimensions(iframe)
            var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document;
            // Reset to minimal height and width
            iframe.style.height = '10px';
            iframe.style.width  = '10px';
            iframe.style.visibility = 'hidden';
            // IE opt. for Bing/MSN needs a bit added or scrollbar appears
            iframe.style.height = getDocHeight(doc) + 4 + 'px';
            iframe.style.width  = getDocWidth(doc) + 4 + 'px';
            iframe.style.visibility = 'visible';
            // Detect height and/or width changes
            previousHeight = (iframe.style.height === previousHeight) ? previousHeight : iframe.style.height;
            previousWidth  = (iframe.style.width === previousWidth) ? previousWidth : iframe.style.width; 
        function getDocHeight(doc)
            doc = doc || document;
            // REFERENCE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1145850/
            var body = doc.body,
                html = doc.documentElement;
            var height = Math.max(
                body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight,
                html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight,
            return height;
        function getDocWidth(doc)
            doc = doc || document;
            // REFERENCE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1145850/
            var body = doc.body,
                html = doc.documentElement;
            var width = Math.max(
                body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth,
                html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth, html.offsetWidth,
            return width;
    <!-- REFERENCE: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10418644/creating-an-iframe-with-given-html-dynamically -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // TODO: Change the site and appkey as necessary --> 
        var site   = 'YOUR_SITE.caspio.com'; // EXAMPLE: c5gaf330.caspio.com
        var appkey = 'YOUR_APPKEY';
        window.onload = function ()
            parent.createIframe(site, appkey);
        function createIframe(site, appkey)
            var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
            iframe.id  = 'cb-iframe-1';
            iframe.style.borderStyle = 'none';
            var customContent = document.getElementById('cb-iframe-container');
            var oldIframe = document.getElementById('cb-iframe-1');
            if (oldIframe)
            var link = 'https://' + site + '/dp.asp?AppKey=' + appkey;
            var id   = 'cb' + appkey;
            var html = '<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="https://' + site + '/scripts/embed.js"></scr' + 'ipt><scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript">try{f_cbload(true, "' + site + '", "' + appkey + '");}catch(v_e){;}</scr' + 'ipt><div id="cxkg"><a href="' + link + '">Click here</a> to load this Caspio <a href="http://www.caspio.com" target="_blank" title="Cloud Database">Cloud Database</a></div><div id="' + id + '"><a href="https://www.caspio.com" target="_blank">Cloud Database</a> by Caspio</div>';

    Don't forget to update these two lines:

        // TODO: Change the site and appkey as necessary -->  
        var site   = 'YOUR_SITE.caspio.com'; // EXAMPLE: c5gaf330.caspio.com
        var appkey = 'YOUR_APPKEY';

Hope this helps.


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