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Based on User Authentication type want to show hide div in HTML Block

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Can someone help me that how to show hide div based on

if Authentication user is =Customer then Display DIV Customer and Hide Div Employee and admin

Else if Authentication user is=employee then Display Div Employee and hide Div Customer and admin

Else Authentication user is=admin then display div Admin and hide Div Customer and Employee


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Just a recommendation from a security standpoint, but if there is content that only should be viewed by certain roles, I would strongly recommend building separate DataPages for each user. Hiding content using CSS is 'Security through Obscurity' and is not a recommended practice. A user could easily use the developer tool in the browser and expose the hidden content. Now, if you are just trying to guide users, and the content is not a security concern, you may want to look a using rules on a DataPage to hide sections. You could receive the role value into a virtual field, and use this field to control what action is taken.

For example, build 3 sections on the DataPage, each section containing the appropriate information (Section 1 = Customer, Section 2 = Employee, Section 3=Admin).  The virtual field would receive the authentication value on load. You could have 3 rules.

Rule 1: When virtual1 is NOT EQUAL to Customer, hide Section 1

Rule 2: When virtual1 is NOT EQUAL to Employee, hide Section 2

Rule 3: When virtual1 is NOT EQUAL to Admin, hide Section 3

Here is an article that has more information on rules as well: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/forms/conditional-forms/

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Are you trying to hide columns in a report based on user roles? If that is the case, I do not recommend you to do that.  Create one Report page for each and redirect them based on user role to the corresponding DataPage.  https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/create-user-specific-redirect-after-login/

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