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Save the name of the user in the table who edits a certain record using Grid Edit.



I have Grid Edit available on several Tabular reports. All users are authenticated. If I were to include a "Edited By" or Modified By" field in my table, is there a way to have the user who makes the edit via Grid Edit or Bulk edit recorded to the table?

Can you please give me some tips on how to achieve this? Thank you.

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You can achieve the workaround that you want by simply passing the parameter of the Authentication field to the field you have created which is "ModifiedBy". 

Then, in your DataPage make the "ModifiedBy" field hidden in order to receive the authentication field. You may refer the attached screenshot for reference. However, you can only see the name of the last user who Modified it in your table since it was hidden in your DataPage.

I hope that helps.


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