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Posts posted by Jan

  1. Hello gsgriffin,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    Have you used the preview mode or URL Deployment? As far as I know, in these variants you can find names of classes rather easily with the "Fine element" functionality of a browser.


    Also you can set settings on the "Settings" tab and use the Preview link to see how DataPages will be displayed. You can find some more details in the article.


    And you can post your idea in the ideabox, then it will be read by the product team and implemented.


    I hope, it helps.

  2. Hello josephstanley,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    If I understand correctly, you want to display a text, if a user is logged in a DataPage.


    I used the following steps:

    1. On a WebPage, added the following code
    • <div id = "divId" style = "display:none;">Display me, if a user logs in!</div>
    • On a DataPage, added a Header&Footer element, selected the Footer, clicked the Source button and entered the following code:
    • <script>
      document.getElementById("divId").style.display = "block";


    If a user does not log in, the code does not execute and the text is hidden.
    When a user log in, the code executes and the text is displayed.
    I hope, it helps.
  3. Maybe, it is possible to merge both scripts (and three steps, that allow do not click the last record more than once):

    <script type="text/javascript">
         document.getElementById("caspioform").style.visibility = 'hidden';
         document.write('<font face="arial" color=red size="5">Email Notifications have been Sent!');     
        if("[@field:text]" == "105") { setTimeout('document.forms["caspioform"].submit()',1000); } 
             var v_link = document.getElementsByName("JumpToNext")[0];
             if(v_link){ v_link.click(); }

    I hope, it helps.

  4. Hello Carl,


    If I understand you correctly, you can add a Header&Footer element, select the Footer element, click the Source button and enter the following code:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function check_Domain()
      var correct_domain = "com";
      var field_name = "text255";
      field_name = "InsertRecord" + field_name;
      var text_email = document.getElementById(field_name).value;
      if (text_email.length>0)
        var last_point = text_email.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (last_point > 3)
          var text_domain = text_email.slice(last_point+1);
          if (text_domain.toLowerCase()!=correct_domain.toLowerCase())
            alert("incorrect domain!");
            return false;
          alert("Email address is incorrect!");
          return false;
    Please enter your values in lines
    var correct_domain = "com";
    var field_name = "text255";
    I hope, it helps.
  5. Hello,


    As a temporary solution, you can add a Header&Footer element, select the Header, click the Source button and enter the following code:

    <style type="text/css">
    #Alert {
    top: -45px !important;

    The confirmation message is moved up and buttons are displayed.

    You can enter your value instead of "-45", if buttons are not displayed still.

    Also you can move the message to the left:

    <style type="text/css">
    #Alert {
    top: -45px !important;
    left: -100px !important; 

    I am not sure that it is a good solution, but maybe it can help.

  6. Hello Sergio,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    You can use a Combined DataPage to display a table and a Chart.


    To hide all rows except the Header and the Aggregation, you can edit your DataPage, open the "Configure Results Page Fields" screen, add a Header&Footer element, select the Header element, disable an HTML editor and enter the following code:

    .cbResultSetData {

    I hope, it helps.

  7. Hello jeffs88keys,


    As far as I know, due to security reasons all DataPages that are assigned with an Authentication are deployed with enforced encryption over HTTPS, even if the correspond checkbox is not checked.

    You can verify it, if you compare the code of a DataPage that is assigned with an Authentication and the code of a DataPage that is not assigned with any Authentication.


    A DataPage maybe embedded  with enforced encryption over HTTPS on a regular webpage, that uses the "HTTP" protocol.


    I hope, it helps.

  8. Hello everyone,


    I have found a solution, but it requires additional steps.


    1. Select the field with id or with any unique value, on the Advanced tab, select the Pass field value as parameter checkbox and copy the name of the parameter (for example, "[@id]").
    2. Add a Virtual field, select the Hidden Form element, select the External Parameters "On load, receive", paste the name of the parameter from step 1 (for example, "[@id]").
    3. Add the second Virtual field, select the Hidden Form element, select the Data Source Field "On load, receive", select the field with id or with any unique value, the field from step 1.
    4. Add the Header&Footer element, select the Footer element, click the Source button and enter the following script:
    <script type="text/javascript">
         document.getElementById("caspioform").style.visibility = 'hidden';
         document.write('<font face="arial" color=red size="5">Email Notifications have been Sent!');     

    I hope, it works. And it is not too complex :)

  9. Hello pnjdotcom,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    It is an interesting question. I sure it can be done, but I have several questions:


    1. Is a new table created for every week?
    2. Is the correct question displayed in the same report and is it possible to mark it with an additional field?
    3. What DataType is used for answers? Yes/No, Number, Text255 or another?
    4. Does the Report DataPage always displays the current weekly winners or a user can select a week? And if a user can select a week, how can he select? In a dropdown list?


    Sorry for many questions, but I want to understand what you want in order to look for the best solution.

  10. Hello jgorny,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    If I understand correctly, it is possible, but it requires several steps:

    1. Add a Virtual field, select Autocomplete form element, select your table and the Text field.
    2. Select your field, select any cascading form element, for example Cascading Text Field.
      • Select the Virtual field in the Parent field;
      • Select the same Lookup table;
      • Select the Text field in Filter cascade by;
      • Select the ID field in the Field for value.
    3. Hide the field with a Rule.


    Does it work for you?


    Also you can use a Dropdown Form element instead of AutoComplete.

  11. Hi ychaudhry,


    As far as I can understand, the incorrect variable is used in the condition:


    var date = document.getElementById('InsertRecordDate').value;

    if (Date.parse(del_date)


    I would like to recommend you either change "var date" to "var del_date" or change "(Date.parse(del_date)" to "(Date.parse(date)".


    I hope, it helps.

  12. Hello TIA,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    If I understand correctly, you can follow the following steps:

    1. Create a Chart - 2D Column DataPage.
    2. In the "Select Search Fields" screen, select the date and the "win" fields.
    3. In the "Configure Search Fields" screen,
      • In the date field, select the "Dropdown" Form Element, select the "Year" Precision, and enter years that are used in your table (you can also use a look up table);
      • In the "win" field, select the "Hidden" Form Element, check the "On load, receive: Yes" checkbox.
    4. In the "Configure Chart Options" screen,
      • In the "Category" field, select the "date" Category field, select the "Date rollup" Group date by, select "Month" Date rollup;
      • In the Seria1, select "sum" Data series field and COUNT Aggregation;
      • Add the Seria2, select "sum" Data series field and SUM Aggregation.

    Does it works for you?

  13. Hello Jason,


    Welcome to Caspio forum!


    As far as I know, it is better to use two DataPages, one with an Authentication and another without it.

    You can use the default user, for example, "guest" and display default login-password under Login fields, but I am not sure that it is the best idea.


    If all items are sell together, I mean, it is not important for a buyer who sells an item (an authenticated user or not), I would like to recommend you to use one table.


    If you want to work separately with both kinds of items, you can create Views that filter items by the "user_id" field - "is blank" and "is not blank" correspondingly.


    I hope, it helps.

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