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  1. @ianGPT, thanks for posting this link. One question is, how accurate is the information ChatGPT creates in the new field? Meaning, if someone submits a company name in a field, and the ChatGPT prompt is to get a description of that company and put it in another field, what if there are several, or many companies out there with the same or similar names? Accuracy is absolutely crucial, if you have a business facing app, where your clients are the users and you won't be able to verify info accuracy yourself.
  2. @BenjaminS, that's a great idea and exactly what I need for my app. That and more modern looking datapages would make a HUGE difference. Thanks for posting this --
  3. Hi @Anan24, That's really helpful--thanks for posting!
  4. Hi @Colhaveago, You may want to make sure you have jquery referenced on the datapage (in the header). There are a number of ways to do it but something like this: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> Also, check to make sure your drop down field is the first in the list of elements. If you have an HTML block before it, that counts as an element and you'd need to change the Value1 to Value2, etc., accordingly. I usually put the <script> </script> in the footer, as well. Hope this helps!
  5. @Flowers4Algernon, this video is really helpful--thanks for posting!
  6. Hi @foodblogger0919, Thanks for the tip--though I'm not understanding your first suggestion. When you say use 'target_blank within the form itself and not the destination 'window.open', how does that work? Because it's only in the Destination section that the new ID numbers for the new record can be accessed, correct? I wouldn't be able to direct the page to a new destination with parameters from the record created, if I use a call from the form itself. Unless you mean something different?
  7. Hi, I have a submission form that opens in an iframe in a FancyBox over a parent page. When the user submits the form the Destination has some code in it to open a new tab in the parent browser, with a new page. Sometimes there's no issue with a popup blocker but sometimes there is-and the user will rarely see the message in time to allow it. I realize that window.open can trigger a popup blocker unless it's user-triggered. The fact that this code is in the Destination section of the submission form must make it 'non-user triggered', I think, and so the popup blocker is engaged. Is there a way to open a new tab (in the parent section, not the iframe the submission form is in) from the Destination section that avoids a popup blocker? This is the current code: if(v_virt=="proposal"){ setTimeout(window.open('../../proposals/proposal?ProjectID=[@field:ProjectID]&ProposalID=[@field:ProposalID]&runnew=yes&cbResetParam=1','_blank'),1000); setTimeout(window.parent.jQuery.fancybox.close(),2000); } Thanks for any help!
  8. Quick update regarding webhooks--after trying to set them up in Make and Caspio, it was pointed out to me by Caspio support that if the table used in the webhook has a trigger (an Update webhook in my case, trying to use a table with an update trigger) it will not send data, and therefore won't work. Hopefully, this will be addressed fairly soon as most tables have triggers of one kind of another on them.
  9. Hi @Pufok, It's not that Caspio doesn't offer webhooks--they do now, if you build the bridges yourself--but that they don't have it set up as an inbuilt option in Make (unlike the way it is with Zapier, where you can do 'Zaps' based on instant triggers in Caspio). Here's what I got from Make support: So it's possible--I think--a bridge to Make (and therefore other apps via Make) for instant triggered action in Caspio, but it's a convoluted process you have to do yourself. Some of the advice on this forum is really helpful and I'm going to try to implement it. But I wish Caspio/Make was fully integrated for instant triggers, without having to go through all this.
  10. @Barry, Many thanks for posting this. The help articles I'd found left out the basic overview that you wrote out--that's helpful. I'm going to try to follow the steps and the video and see if I can make it work. I'll post again here with any relevant info so anyone can follow the steps.
  11. Hi, I use Make.com to check for records in a View and then update some data--this works fine but it's on a schedule, running constantly. I really need a Make.com scenario to be triggered when a record in a Caspio table is created (or updated, in another scenario). This isn't offered by default--Make.com has a message that Caspio doesn't have webhooks. But since Caspio has put out webhooks I thought this should be doable. I've tried to create that connection in Make.com's 'webhooks' section and then use it, but I cannot get it to work well. I don't have a lot of experience with json and Make. Zapier is simpler to set up but way too expensive, so I'd love to get Make.com to work. Does anyone know of a simple step-by-step article that details how to get webhooks to work with Make for instant triggers? I can't find anything on the net.
  12. This a really great article--I use Make.com for some record updating but haven't yet used Webhooks or AI integration. I find Make.com really confusing, though, compared to Zapier (which is ridiculously expensive). I'll give this angle a shot--thanks for posting!
  13. Thanks for posting this @RuisiHansamu, these are nice workflows.
  14. Hi @Volomeister, just wanted to bump this thread to see if you had a chance to take a look. I can't figure it out myself.
  15. Hi @Volomeister, Thanks for offering to take a look-- I can't export the datapages and dependancies because there's a number of tables and private data I'd need to filter out. But that's ok because it's not related to the datapages. If you use example text instead of datapages it'll do the same thing. The code below, when pasted into a regular html page will reproduce the issue upon print preview. <html> <style type="text/css" media="print"> @media print { body { position: relative; } .footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 50px; } .content { margin-bottom: 60px; /* This ensures there is space for the footer */ } .page-break { display: block; page-break-before: always; } } </style> <body> <div class="content"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sagittis odio vel felis eleifend, sit amet finibus augue suscipit. Sed consequat nunc vel pellentesque sodales. Duis et nibh nec enim condimentum molestie. Maecenas luctus dictum enim, vel interdum arcu fermentum sit amet. Pellentesque porttitor commodo viverra. Sed tristique dolor sed tristique volutpat. Proin vitae pulvinar nunc. <br /><br /> Donec felis dolor, venenatis ac sollicitudin sed, pulvinar congue dolor. Proin nulla massa, elementum ut rhoncus id, posuere non risus. Proin eu velit in nisi ultrices dictum vel a massa. Vestibulum eget sem at elit maximus lacinia eu in tortor. Suspendisse ullamcorper felis ut felis consequat venenatis. Donec in aliquam tellus, vel euismod lectus. Fusce tincidunt vestibulum nibh a maximus. Nullam maximus sodales ante, ac fringilla ipsum cursus porta. Nunc sed mi mi. Aliquam ultricies aliquet ex, sed ultrices diam placerat eget. <br /><br /> Cras pellentesque dolor et felis blandit iaculis. Nulla blandit in nunc vitae mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at nulla nec sapien porttitor porta lobortis eu purus. Ut mattis neque porttitor turpis euismod, ut ullamcorper metus ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eu elit in erat hendrerit egestas. Fusce commodo tempus massa, a elementum eros porta et. Duis at laoreet risus, sit amet semper urna. Integer faucibus mauris ut euismod blandit. <br /><br /> Vestibulum suscipit sodales arcu, in accumsan risus rhoncus sed. Nam porttitor lacus vitae purus lacinia, quis bibendum ante tempus. Vivamus eu mauris ut leo gravida ornare. Cras eu ligula cursus, aliquet enim eu, gravida quam. Proin scelerisque eu augue ac hendrerit. In sit amet erat et nunc vehicula bibendum non id mauris. Sed vel tristique diam, vitae feugiat eros. Vestibulum laoreet lorem est, at porttitor turpis scelerisque at. <br /><br /> Nulla ante elit, maximus eu nisl non, malesuada suscipit mauris. Curabitur tristique vel eros vel tincidunt. Proin interdum placerat metus, vitae tempor tellus tempor pulvinar. Aliquam luctus nunc nisi, non auctor lectus aliquet ac. Cras non metus in urna semper molestie eget eget mauris. Morbi mollis ac urna viverra consectetur. Vivamus cursus tellus id leo fringilla, non aliquet leo sagittis. Vivamus malesuada euismod convallis. Quisque vehicula, ante sed consectetur aliquet, lacus enim cursus neque, in feugiat mi urna a justo. Nam molestie est sit amet augue sagittis, nec hendrerit leo fringilla. Phasellus id cursus nisi. Maecenas vehicula non erat sit amet varius. Nulla et mauris vulputate, tempus purus eu, rutrum orci. Nulla egestas orci mauris, sed tincidunt sem blandit eget. Cras sed magna nec est scelerisque ullamcorper eu eget odio. <br /><br /> Aliquam ornare, tellus id porta tempus, enim massa rutrum enim, ut venenatis nibh lectus in nunc. Praesent ut lacus ultricies, laoreet quam a, posuere justo. Sed nisl odio, consequat at tincidunt a, efficitur eget quam. Nam commodo ex sed finibus iaculis. Ut luctus, nisl eu malesuada euismod, massa metus vulputate nunc, convallis finibus purus sapien non magna. Nunc blandit, sem vel ultrices tristique, lectus tellus facilisis turpis, scelerisque auctor turpis enim eu lorem. Sed nec est consectetur, ultrices felis vitae, tempus erat. Morbi ante elit, vehicula et tortor non, vestibulum pharetra libero. Integer a ex quis neque viverra vestibulum. Donec rhoncus odio vitae sapien rutrum, quis maximus leo feugiat. Vivamus risus justo, ultrices vitae quam ac, gravida auctor dui. Nullam at ultricies massa. Vivamus eu tellus luctus, suscipit quam non, eleifend nisl. <br /><br /> Vivamus placerat ipsum in justo eleifend, non bibendum turpis auctor. Sed tristique augue ipsum, eu viverra libero scelerisque quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at est molestie, facilisis enim ac, ultricies enim. Integer et ipsum maximus, pellentesque nibh et, lacinia elit. Vivamus faucibus, justo et interdum scelerisque, erat nisi elementum felis, vitae interdum nisl dui non velit. Quisque facilisis quis dolor et feugiat. Praesent ultricies vestibulum lectus, at vehicula massa commodo pharetra. Sed laoreet enim sed urna bibendum sodales. Sed enim odio, placerat at felis et, ultrices ultricies libero. Curabitur scelerisque id mi at tincidunt. Nullam commodo justo aliquam diam consequat, sed finibus lorem porttitor. <br /><br /> Phasellus bibendum diam turpis, et egestas urna fringilla nec. Morbi porttitor erat vitae justo tincidunt, ac dignissim ligula aliquam. Mauris nisl lacus, placerat sit amet ex et, accumsan interdum tortor. Aenean justo ex, posuere non eleifend sed, blandit a mauris. Sed fermentum in quam eget consequat. Phasellus eget aliquam sapien. Vivamus ac ultricies mauris. Aenean eu pharetra sem, convallis vehicula sapien. Cras lobortis at est fermentum pretium. Etiam eget lacus eget elit tincidunt ultrices. Suspendisse ac nulla et urna consectetur volutpat eu a orci. Aenean ornare mauris a libero semper rhoncus. Ut eleifend mauris quis lorem efficitur sagittis. Proin volutpat lectus ipsum, quis molestie tellus aliquam sit amet. <br /><br /> Vivamus placerat ipsum in justo eleifend, non bibendum turpis auctor. Sed tristique augue ipsum, eu viverra libero scelerisque quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at est molestie, facilisis enim ac, ultricies enim. Integer et ipsum maximus, pellentesque nibh et, lacinia elit. Vivamus faucibus, justo et interdum scelerisque, erat nisi elementum felis, vitae interdum nisl dui non velit. Quisque facilisis quis dolor et feugiat. Praesent ultricies vestibulum lectus, at vehicula massa commodo pharetra. Sed laoreet enim sed urna bibendum sodales. Sed enim odio, placerat at felis et, ultrices ultricies libero. Curabitur scelerisque id mi at tincidunt. Nullam commodo justo aliquam diam consequat, sed finibus lorem porttitor. <br /><br /> Phasellus bibendum diam turpis, et egestas urna fringilla nec. Morbi porttitor erat vitae justo tincidunt, ac dignissim ligula aliquam. Mauris nisl lacus, placerat sit amet ex et, accumsan interdum tortor. Aenean justo ex, posuere non eleifend sed, blandit a mauris. Sed fermentum in quam eget consequat. Phasellus eget aliquam sapien. Vivamus ac ultricies mauris. Aenean eu pharetra sem, convallis vehicula sapien. Cras lobortis at est fermentum pretium. Etiam eget lacus eget elit tincidunt ultrices. Suspendisse ac nulla et urna consectetur volutpat eu a orci. Aenean ornare mauris a libero semper rhoncus. Ut eleifend mauris quis lorem efficitur sagittis. Proin volutpat lectus ipsum, quis molestie tellus aliquam sit amet. <br /><br /> Phasellus bibendum diam turpis, et egestas urna fringilla nec. Morbi porttitor erat vitae justo tincidunt, ac dignissim ligula aliquam. Mauris nisl lacus, placerat sit amet ex et, accumsan interdum tortor. Aenean justo ex, posuere non eleifend sed, blandit a mauris. Sed fermentum in quam eget consequat. Phasellus eget aliquam sapien. Vivamus ac ultricies mauris. Aenean eu pharetra sem, convallis vehicula sapien. Cras lobortis at est fermentum pretium. Etiam eget lacus eget elit tincidunt ultrices. Suspendisse ac nulla et urna consectetur volutpat eu a orci. Aenean ornare mauris a libero semper rhoncus. Ut eleifend mauris quis lorem efficitur sagittis. Proin volutpat lectus ipsum, quis molestie tellus aliquam sit amet. <div class="page-break"></div> <!-- This forces a page break --> </div> <div class="footer" id="footer" style="height:50px; width:100%;text-align:center"> footer name info<br />footer address info </div> </body> </html>
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