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  1. Assume following Table schema: Hi, My desired work flow Insert a date record into tbl_Inventory Count_Dates On INSERT, tigger the following: Loop through tbl_Inventory_Items - a list of each item to be counted - and insert a copy of each item into tbl_Inventory_Count_Detail, along with default value of 0 for Count of each record. This results in a record including new id, Count_Date(which triggered the event), Material_id, Material_Name, and Count (Set to 0). The purpose of this is to be able to filter tbl_Inventory_Count_Detail by Count_Date and use as a data source/view for a Tabular report datapage that allows user to enter a dated physical count for each item. @CraigSZ - I think this is similar to the direction you suggested in earlier post. Hoping I can do this all with a looping triggered action - Just not sure on Syntax. Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thx...
  2. Hi @CraigSZ, Thx for this response - apologies for delay acknowledging... Hoping you can answer a couple questions about this solution... 1. In the StockCountDetail table - when you say link to StockCountMaster table - do you mean like a join/creating a view? I think understanding this point is key to me understanding solution. I'm struggling creating a new record for each material item for any given count date -in a bulk way- thus creating the filter/view I can present in the Grid view. 2. I think I may have some questions about syntax for the looping in the trigger once I better understand #1 Once again - thank you so much for being willing to take the time to to understand, vizualize, and solution my challenge. Any additional feedback you could share would be really great...Ken
  3. When using Date/time field in X Axis of Chart (in my use case its a Chart/Tabular Report Combo Datapage) the date on X axis is in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format. I need to remove the time component but can find any place to change it...
  4. @CraigSZ Thanks for the response. The Grid Edit view is exactly the look and feel I am going for. Where I am still a little stuck is - These physical counts are a recurring event. Trying to determine best way to present the Grid method uf data entry, without having to overwrite every field each time, i.e. Count on Jan 1, then on Jan 8, count again. Ideally user comes to datapage and it's a "Clean slate" each time. Also the Materials list is dynamic - can have additions and deletions. Want the data entry page to have all existing items. I feel like the answer is simple - but I'm just stuck. Thx again for the feedback.
  5. Hi, I am creating an inventory management workflow. Components: Materials List/Table Contains ~200 SKUs/items that we order. Unique identifier is Material number. Also includes Qty/pack, Unit Price, Material Description, Expiration, etc... Consumption/Ordering Tool Tabular Datapage that lists each item, # consumed in last X Days, and some calculations, based on consumption rates, how many would need to be ordered to replace what was consumed, for X number of Days (User Defined) Final piece I'm having trouble figuring out is a simple way for user to count and document how many are still in stock - and then be able to factor that into calculation for how much to order. At a high level - I envisioned a template/form/datapage that starts with the materials list, where user can add a Qty for each item, and the count would be date stamped and its history not lost. Can't get my head around how to get a form to work - because they are designed to update single records - and the workflow requires entering a QTY for ~ 200 unique items. Maybe its a seperate table - just don't know how to make the data entry easy, i.e. user doesn't have to select/add each item to count (like a shopping cart) - the list of items is there at beginning and they just fill in the blanks and then how to reference it and perform calculations based on the counts. I have attached a smample of Materials table and Tabular Datapage layout for reference. Thx in advance for any assistance... Materials_2020-May-26_1541.zip Material Consumption Datapage.xlsx
  6. @kpcollier - Maybe a triggered action? I do something similar in an Audit Log/Audit Trail Process. We have a group of Yes No questions on a checklist our billing group uses. We log any changes to any of the questions on the checklist - including timestamp/user. I am not a trigger expert - but seems something to this effect would work: On update of record, if #inserted value of your'Take Me!' button field is Yes and Original value was No, then insert Userstamp into 'Assigned to' field. Hope this may help a little...
  7. Thank you @Glitch, 1 trigger per action really simplifies this - thanks for that direction. I'm on to the 2nd step - identifying changes and inserting into Details Table. I understand joinging #inserted with Source(Orders Table). I feel like I may need a 2nd join and I'm not certain where to do it. Let me explain: Desired output to Details Table includes: 1 record for each change for each Summary ID(Foreign Key)...i.e. user updates 3 fields in source table. Part I of trigger inserts into Summary Table - Stamping with Summary ID, plus Time and User Stamps. We want Part II of trigger to create 3 new records in Details Table - All with same foreign key(Summary ID - this is what I think I need the additional join for - to bring this ID over) - 1 record per field change. I can't figure out how to insert Column(Field) name that changed. Once I insert that - I know how to bring in Old and New value using the Join of #inserted and Source Table) Hope this makes sense...Appreciate your time, attention, and assistance...
  8. Hi, I'm trying to to created a triggered action that populates and Audit Log Summary Table (1 record per event - ) and an Audit Log Details Table ( 1 record per changed Field/Column). Workflow is upon Insert or Update to Orders Table want to Log Changes. Trying to keep Log tables as simple as possible. Assume following Table Structures: Orders Table: Accession ID (Primary Key) Editable fields 1 Editable fields 2 Editable fields 3 Editable fields 4 Editable fields 5 Last Modified - Timestamp Last Modified by - User Stamp Audit Log Summary Table: Summary ID (Primary Key) Accession ID(Foreign Key from Orders) Modified by User Modified Date Change Type (I, U, D) Audit Log Details Table: Audit Log Detail ID (Primary Key) Summary ID (Foreign Key from Summary Table) Column Name( Field that changed in orders table) Old Value New Value I know how to create the trigger to insert Accession ID, Modified by User, and Modified Date into Summary table upon Insert, Update, or Delete. I'm not certain how to stamp the change type field - based on Insert, Update or Delete. What I'm really struggling with is next step. For each event, how do I identify Fields that changed, and insert changes into details table? An would I be nesting this into original trigger in Orders table, or creating a new trigger in Summary Table? Pasting 1st part of trigger for reference. Any help or guidance greatly appreciated...
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