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Caspio Ninja
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Jodie last won the day on August 15 2023

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  1. It's currently set as a text field that reads in a data source field that stores the correct email address. It's odd that I can get it to read virtual 9 correctly if I use a WHEN statement but not for the ELSE.
  2. Thanks @RonAnderson for posting the solution. This code resolved the issue I was having with three fields that I used continue same line with. Now this works perfectly for mobiles and tablets!
  3. Thank you! This works - except for the ELSE option. If I write all the other conditions I finally get the value passed on. Any ideas why the Else option won't pass on the email value?
  4. Hi This triggered action had been working nicely. I can't work out why now it suddenly won't work. Is there something wrong with the code below, or do I need to dig deeper into the underlying data tables? I've recreated the trigger to try to troubleshoot but couldn't pin the problem down.
  5. In the field label you can add the <a> href attribute. You should get a clickable hyperlink to the webpage you're after if you change the field label from "Vessel" as follows: <a href="https://your site details">Vessel</a> For specific details you can check out W3 Schools here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_href.asp
  6. Hi @jnordstrand I had a similar problem in Wordpress when I changed my theme. I found adding this to the header on the form returned them inline. (I believe you could also add the !important into your global style sheet) <style> input[type="radio"] + label { display: inline !important; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 12px } </style>
  7. Hi - I'm struggling to get the right syntax for my select statement. My users table holds everyone's email address - virtual7 holds the userid for a person's manager. In this formula if the 'manager' has been selected, I'm trying to use virtual 7 (the manager's USERID) to retrieve their matching email address stored in the the user table. If I remove this select from my syntax I get a response, but with this syntax the formula is null. I've tried to troubleshoot this but can't quite fix my code. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks CASE WHEN [@field:tbl_opportunities_sign2]="manager" THEN (SELECT Email FROM tbl_users WHERE UserGUID=target.'[@cbParamVirtual7]') ELSE CAST(‘[@cbParamVirtual9]’ AS CHAR) END
  8. Thank you @CoopperBackpack - this worked perfectly. Only changed I made was to CAST [@field:rcount] as a Float to get the decimal
  9. Hi - I've tried following the solutions posted but can't get this to work. I have a series of Yes/No field types. I want to add a formula into the table that will calculate the users progress based on the number of these they've completed versus the number they should have for the type... Past posts indicate I need to use 0 and 1 for the field in the formula. The formula verifies but in a test case that should show 20% done, the formulae doesn't produce an answer. Any hints? (CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq1] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq2] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq3] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq4] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq5] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq6] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq7] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq8] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq9] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END + CASE WHEN CAST([@field:preq10] AS BIT)=1 THEN 1 END )/ [@field:rcount]
  10. I'm back with this problem again. And this time it's not as simple as switching datapage type from table >details page to an Update Record type. @PotatoMato - the form will only update the datatable when the JS is removed. If the JS is read, then the form appears to submit, but the page returns to the table data results. I updated to give a successful data submission message, and when the JS is used, this doesn't appear on submit. I know when we're referencing a view in a calc field sql we use _v_ to refer to the table and I'm wondering if there's something unique that needs to be added in the details form submission when the data originates from a view... Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've also posted this in JS in case you've seen this issue posted there.
  11. Hi Kronos - I read the article about custom domain and but I don't fully grasp the benefits so I can't judge if I need to do this and if so how quick. I've searched a little into custom domains, but this seems to explain more about setting them up and little about the rationale / context about the why of custom domains. What problem do they solve for? (and what are the consequences???) Is there a higher order search phrase I need to learn more about to understand custom domains better and their application?
  12. Hi Benjamin - can you add the code or provide more details on the part of your datapage that's conflicting with this solution?
  13. I've been trying to trouble shoot this and even ChatGPT isn't giving me anything useful... I have a tabular data report with a details page. Because I have additional buttons to allow my users to navigate my form by buttons, I need to use a virtual field and script to stop the form from submitting before they've tabbed through all the sections. This script works wonderfully on my submission datapages, and it's worked on other details pages before (though they're filtered and go straight to the details page). On this datapage I can't get this to pass the data into the datatable. If I remove the JS, the form submits the data to the table (but then the user can't move between the sections with the buttons). With the script, the submit button just returns the user to the table results page without submitting the data to the data table. Any ideas on what might be missing? My script in the footer: <script> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function () { event.preventDefault(); if (document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").checked) { document.forms["caspioform"].submit(); } else { event.preventDefault(); } }); ... Plus additional JS </script>
  14. Do you mean same website page or using same data page? I'm not 100% sure on all the details you've set for this page and the underlying workflow driving the form, but if the pre-defined filter is set to pick up all records flagged as "new" then this will continue until the data table is changed and updated. Passing a parameter doesn't change the record field from new, so the table will continue to select the record. It sounds like whatever field is identifing a record as "new" needs to be updated in Ticket Details to the next workflow step so when the Ticket Details is submitted, the main table no longer selects it as part of the predefined filter. I hope that helps
  15. Hi Jeroen - are you able to just add the content from your word doc straight into the question?
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