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Caspio Ninja
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DaveS last won the day on December 14 2023

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  1. Interesting - and not that different from what I'm doing with Webflow. I'm using their collection pages, which works pretty nicely with Caspio. One collection has two embeds (both caspio - a menu and a data page), the other collection has just one embed (a data page). For each Caspio data page I just have a Webflow collection record with the Appkey of the data page. It's been very helpful in managing development vs. test environments because I'm not really managing pages - just the collection list (a csv that can be downloaded and uploaded into another environment). Anyway, I appreciate the response!
  2. Hi, @kpcollier - just curious if you wound up with Webflow or another solution. I'm about 16 months into Caspio+Webflow and pretty happy with what I've been able to accomplish... also open to sharing ideas / solutions with others with a similar configuration.
  3. My understanding is that the limit is only inserts and updates. I've had a couple of cases where I mis-constructed an insert or update statement (especially inside a loop) where it was updating every record in the table instead of a single record, so that's something to look for in the WHERE clause of any update statements.
  4. Hey, Joey, If I'm reading your post correctly it's close to something I dealt with a couple of weeks ago - a "Full Outer Join". Take a look at this post and see if it is helpful to you.
  5. @vidierre, I appreciate the thoughtful answer - it's fascinating. I've got a pretty varied technical background. I started my career doing programming and relational database design for a consulting firm in the early 1990's before doing a bunch of software company management (led services, product, engineering and even led a business unit of a public enterprise software company). I went into Low Code with my eyes open on limitations. My philosophy has been: If I get this thing off the ground and my biggest problem is scale, I'll have the $ to replatform it. A year in, I still believe that. I 100% agree with you that an architectural mindset is required. But lack of understanding of Caspio in the early stages led to some mistakes. There will be more... I started developing and learned along the way - both from a CASPIO perspective and an application perspective - that I could have designed better or used different standards. I also think the "where did I implement that function" problem (trigger, task, data page, webhook) is universal and not at all unique to Low Code. I'm curious about your comment about users and scalability... That's a complete mystery to me. I know that Caspio is built on enterprise class sql and aws... My use case is not high intensity, but I do feel like I'm flying blind in that area. Any rules of thumb that you've found helpful? Regarding custom code management... I'm looking at building a utility to extract the custom code from Caspio so that I can - for example - find all the places that a table or column is referenced in custom SQL. I'd love to stay in touch with anyone who's approaching LowCode with an enterprise mindset. I think that Caspio and others are underestimating the opportunity of solving some of these enterprise-class problems.... and I don't think they are impossible.
  6. I've been developing on Caspio for about a year... and have learned a lot along the way. As I've learned, I realized that certain coding / naming standards would have really been helpful. But now it seems risky to implement changes because there's no easy way to identify - for example - where a table name is used in a calculated field or calculated value. I've done some work to solve for this and am curious if anyone else: a.) Has this challenge / issue b.) Has solved it in creative ways Thanks, Dave
  7. I spoke too soon. When I tried to save the datapage I got the Window Onload error. Here's what I wound up with: <script type="text/javascript"> function f_default(){ document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName").value = "DefaultValue"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) { f_default() }); </script>
  8. Just in case it's helpful to anyone else, I tried this and it initially didn't work because I was on a submission form. Once I added "InsertRecord" in front of "FieldName" it worked like a charm.
  9. Thanks, @CoopperBackpack - I considered that and agree. I don't have a sense for how big it has to be to be a problem. One table has about 2500 records and is unlikely to see material growth. The other is (basically) a b2b customer table. The result set could be millions of records... but not until I get thousands of (b2b) customers. I'm thinking it would be a good problem to have...
  10. Thanks, @NiceDuck - I know this is an older post, but it helped me a ton. I was trying to hide an HTML block with two "input buttons" on a details page conditionally. I used your approach but set the values to either "button" or "hidden", then I have <input type="[@calcfield:1]"...> Working great!
  11. This might seem ridiculous, but I wasn't sure if it would work the opposite way (ELSE NULL). I.e., I have a field that I want to set to Null instead of zero in a given situation. Worked just fine, happily CASE WHEN X=Y THEN Z ELSE NULL "
  12. I didn't have the vocabulary to describe what I was trying to do, but I now know that it's called a Cross Join and there was a great post here that rescued me after way too much time struggling with it. The Solution to CrossJoin in Caspio
  13. @Vitalikssssss - You are a hero - this is a great solution for something that I wrestled with for WAY too long. Thank you and thanks, @asesores for posting the question!
  14. I'm trying to create a View across 3 tables. Let's say I'm having a dinner party and I have the tables a. Guests b. Food Items c. Exclusions (this is a list of Guest / Food Combinations that are not valid - e.g., guest is allergic to this item). I'm trying to create a view that has every combination of Guests and Foods, and includes Exclusions if it exists and matches the combination of guest and food. Would love to get some help with this - have been wrestling with every combination of inner and outer join I can think of and I'm not getting there. It seems like this shouldn't be that hard, but I either get only rows with C or I get a single exclusion matching to a bunch of records it shouldn't. Thanks in advance
  15. This might sound crazy, but I've got zero javascript skills and pretty low on HTML. And I'm starting to run into more conditions - beyond user role - where I need to customize the menu. It also strikes me that - as the complexity of the application grows - the menus will become unwieldy. I'm dreaming about a database-driven solution where we map menu headers and menu items to user types, store the HTML in the database, and then dynamically create the menus on the fly. Is this crazy? A performance nightmare? It seems like once this was built, adding a new user role would be as easy as just choosing the menu items they had access to. Adding a new menu item would involve creating the HTML for that particular item, specifying where it fits in the menu hierarchy, and mapping it to the user roles that can see it. Anyone ever tried something like this?
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