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nyunyiboy last won the day on September 10

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  1. Hi everyone, I just wanted to add this forum thread. I hope this helps!
  2. I just wanted to add this forum thread as well. I hope this helps! https://forums.caspio.com/topic/23966-custom-back-button-on-details-datapage-that-goes-back-to-the-search-form/
  3. Hi, just wanted to add this forum thread added a back link on your DataPage.
  4. Hi, I found a helpful HowTo article on integrating Zapier with Caspio. It also includes a video that you can watch for further guidance. https://howto.caspio.com/integration/zapier/ I hope that helps!
  5. Just want to add in the previous comment above, you may check the article for AI integration: https://howto.caspio.com/integration/extensions/
  6. Hello there! Caspio releases a new feature called "integrations"! Refer below: Caspio Extensions is a new plug-and-play capability that connects your Caspio account to third-party services, enabling various functionalities. We are very excited about the roadmap of Extensions and in future releases, we will open it up for our partners and even customers to create their extensions. Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-52-0/#:~:text=Introducing Caspio Extensions
  7. Hi @ivan77, I came across a forum thread that addresses a similar issue, and it might offer the solution you're looking for. You can explore the discussion for potential solutions and insights. Thank you, and I hope this helps!
  8. Hello All, I’m excited to share that the Caspio Extension has been released! With this new extension, you can easily integrate OpenAI to your workflow. For more information you may visit https://howto.caspio.com/integration/extensions/
  9. Hi @Rachel, I’m also new to Caspio, and this tech tip regarding Report DataPages has helped me a lot: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/reports/creating-a-report-datapage/ You can also join Caspio's webinar training: https://www.caspio.com/training/. This will help you become more familiar with the platform. Thank you!
  10. Hi @KenWi, I recommend starting by creating table relationships. For instance, one teacher can have multiple class, and each class can have multiple students. This will help you identify which students belong to which class and who their teachers are when you create a view. Here are some helpful links that might assist you with Table Relationships: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/relationships/database-relationships/ https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/relationships/relationship-settings/ If you want to create a view, set up a criteria like this: it will filter all students who belong to "Class 1" and have a teacher whose first name is "John." Here are some helpful tech tips regarding Views: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/what-are-views/views/ I hope that helps!
  11. Hi, Just to add to this. Use Triggered Actions when you need immediate, real-time automation directly tied to data changes. Use Application Tasks when you need to perform actions on a schedule or for batch processing, independent of real-time user interaction. You may also refer to these links for example: https://howto.caspio.com/triggered-actions/triggered-actions-2/ https://howto.caspio.com/tasks/ Hope this helps!
  12. Hello there, Caspio offers FREE instructor-led training sessions multiple times a week. These sessions are an excellent opportunity to learn Caspio and are open to everyone, but please note that you must sign up to reserve your seat. Each session lasts one hour and includes time for questions, and you are welcome to attend as often as you like. These online training sessions are designed to help you get up to speed quickly. You can sign up for a live session at https://www.caspio.com/training/, or if you prefer, you can watch the pre-recorded sessions at http://howto.caspio.com/pre-recorded-live-training/ Hope this helps!
  13. Hi guys, Caspio offers FREE instructor-led training sessions multiple times a week. These sessions are an excellent opportunity to learn Caspio and are open to everyone, but please note that you must sign up to reserve your seat. Each session lasts one hour and includes time for questions, and you are welcome to attend as often as you like. These online training sessions are designed to help you get up to speed quickly. You can sign up for a live session at https://www.caspio.com/training/, or if you prefer, you can watch the pre-recorded sessions at http://howto.caspio.com/pre-recorded-live-training/ Hope this helps!
  14. Hi @DLReich, I found a similar post like yours. You may want to check their solutions here:
  15. Hi @Oskabaar, In response to your question about the form, if you want a field to become visible only after the previous field is answered, you can achieve this by adding a rule. More detailed information can be found here: Additionally, to hide the submit button until the last field or question is answered, you can also add a conditional rule and CSS to accomplish this. You may check this for reference: I hope that helps!
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