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Is it possible to store the search queries that users perform?



We're getting ready to launch a solution we built in Caspio. Users will be able to search people records using a variety of search fields. My boss is asking if there's anyway we can  see a log of the search criteria that users try. We don't have the Grow plan currently, so we don't have the user activity log feature, but I'm doubtful it would show that level of detail.

Does anyone know and/or have you tried to record the search criteria that users submit in their record searches?


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You could separate your search and results page into two different pages, like found in this article. 

Maybe create a new table, Search Log Table, with some of the same fields used in the search form (whatever fields you want to log). This would be for saving the search log results. Instead of using virtual fields like in the article mentioned, you would use these fields from the new table.

Have these new search fields have the same lookup sources as the search form you have now so the data is the same.

Then, like in the article, pass the parameters to the results page on submit. This should pass the search filter parameters while also saving whatever was selected to a different table. Make sure you edit your results page from 'Show Search Form' to 'Filter data based on your pre-defined criteria', and set up the filter fields to receive the parameters.


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Thanks! That article about separating the search page vs results page would probably also work for me since google analytics would likely capture those URL strings and that would be adequate for reviewing how people are searching. 

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