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cascading dropdown

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I need to filter the choices in a dropdown list, but rather than basing that on a user input in a parent field selection, I would like to pass in a parameter to filter the dropdown list. The functionality is exactly what Caspio provides with the cascading dropdown or cascading text field routine, but I need to pass the value rather than have the user input something. Is this possible? Thanks for the help.

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Hi @Sam23,

Basically, for the cascading dropdown to work, it should always have the parent field. 

As a workaround, it is possible to receive a parameter to the parent field and then hide the field with some CSS. So in total, the dropdown list will be filtered based on the received parameter but it will not be visible to the end-users. 

For example, if I want to filter the City Name based on the received State abbreviation. The StateAbbr is set to receive External parameter on load. And then it is hidden with the solution from this article: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/how-to-hide-fields-in-datapages/


The CityName field set up as a usual Cascading Dropdown:


I hope that will help! Feel free to update this thread if you have further questions.

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