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Populate multi select dropdown with values saved in a text field





I wonder if someone would have a bit of JS to help populate a multi select dropdown with values which are saved in a table as text field as text separated by commas?

The page I am using is a Submission Form and I am effectively trying to copy a record. In the Submission Form I can populate all the fields with the previously saved values in the table but the multi select dropdown is defeating me. I have managed to set up a text field and save the user's previous selection in the multi select dropdown in this text field as text separated by commas. Now  I need to get this text back into the multi select dropdown so that the user doesn't have to make a new selection. 

Many thanks


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HI @JKSGT- in order for you to have values inside your multi-select dropdown is to first create a field that has a List-String DataType, in there you can add values of your choice. Then, upon configuring into your submission form, select the field and you have the choice to Display only or have a multi-select dropdown/listbox. I tried this on my end with my previous work. I would like to provide you this helpful documentation from Caspio as well: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/data-types/list/ and a forum post that you can refer to: I hope this helps :) cheers!



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This is actually kinda tricky. Probably because I suck at javascript. But, if you're any better than I am, I think you'll be able to get it. 

Check out this SO post, I think you'll want most of the function that the answer provides. This solution adds options to the select statement, but it also shows you how to get the values from the comma separated values in the text field. (advise that this workflow does not take into account spaces in the text field when splitting the comma separated values)

Then, maybe something like this SO post to help you select the correct options. 

I am not fluent enough in JS to be able to put all of this together, but I hope this gets you started on the right path. Maybe someone more proficient will chime in to help you piece this together. 

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