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Hiding section of search form



Hello --

I have a search form in which I want to offer two or three basic ways to search and then a long list of other more detailed search options. I'd like to hide the second part of the search form unless the user toggles it on. I know how to hide a single field with JavaScript, but is there an easy way to hide an entire group of several fields?


-- Mike

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Hello Mike,

Define a function and make all fields hidden within the Java Script function, call this function on page load so every time page loads in browser the function hides all the fields. Then write another function to display all fields and call this function on click of the Advanced Search button.


Bahar M.

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Thank you. I've done this on input forms but not on search forms. I'm struggling to figure out how to define the fields. Right now, I've created a virtual checkbox and am trying to use it to disable just one field on the search form, for testing, but so far it's not working. Here's my code:

function hideBar() {
if (document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").checked)
document.getElementById("EditRecorddine_alcohol").disabled = true,
document.getElementById('caspioform').EditRecorddine_alcohol.value = "";
onload = hideBar;
document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").onclick = hideBar;
My guess is that I'm missing something simple here -- can you help?


-- Mike

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