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Auto Submit



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Hello jlwilliford, 


Created simple JavaScript that may satisfy your needs.



- In Styles the class "cbFormError" should be set (non empty). This could be check under: Styles >> Edit Style >> Click "Show Advanced options" on 1st wizard step >> Forms/Details (3rd wizard step) >> Errors and Messages >> "Source" tab

- Your Web Form do not results with ending message (step "Destination and Triggers" when editing DataPage; radio option selected other than "Display this message")

1) In the header of your WebForm paste modified script 

2) In the footer you paste the checking for errors on page: I did not test all the browsers, but think it should work as there are common JavaScript functions used.


Please tell if this helped.

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Hi, in autosubmit formula, i have one big problem, i can not close de page, after autosubmit and his doing submit after submit until the user decides close your browser  


I make the folow code:  

<script> function f_submit() { document.getElementById("caspioform").submit(); } window.onload = f_submit; </script> 
<script language="javascript"> <!-- setTimeout("self.close();",700) --> </script>   

But dont work in all browsers  thnks

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Done, after autosubmit, because is not close page in all broswer, i put this code.  


<script> function f_submit() { document.getElementById("caspioform").submit(); } window.onload = f_submit; </script>  
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- function redirect(){    
window.location = "../test.html" } 
<script language="javascript"> <!-- setTimeout("redirect();",700) --> </script>


Im redirect for another page, and his make just one submit...  Thanks

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This code works for me in IE  

<script> function f_submit() { document.getElementById("caspioform").submit(); } window.onload = f_submit; </script>

but in Firefox it loops over and over. (I put it in the footer in the destination form).  

I tried the above suggestions, but I couldn't get them to work.  

I would be really grateful if you have any suggestions as to how I could solve this.  


Thank you  


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I found a solution. 


I redirect to the form from another form through a querystring. 


In the querystring I defined a variable that I then used in an if statement as below: 

function f_submit()
if('[@ItemID]' !='')
window.onload = f_submit;  


The window doesn't actually close in Firefox either, but that's OK.

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