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Limit to Calculated Fields Per Datapage



Is there a limit placed on the number of calculated fields that you can use in a single datapage?

After inserting my 10th calculated field, 'calculated field' disappears from the Caspio dropdown of insert options, leaving only 'New Section', 'HTML Block', 'Virtual Field',' Header and Footer' and 'Captcha'.

When I remove one of the previously inserted Calculated Fields, reducing the total inserted to 9, the option 'Calculated Field' appears again on the dropdown.

I can't see any reference to this on the Caspio info on Calculated fields but maybe I've missed something.

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I'm looking to see if there is a limit but I don't think there is (will get back to you). In the meantime enter your 10 then start a new section and see if the option re-appears. If so, re-organize your datapage into sections and group your calculated fields accordingly. Let us know if this worked and I'll get back to you with more info asap...../RA

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Thanks Ruth,

I've just received a reply from Caspio support, as follows:

'Yes, there is a limit of 10 Calculated fields in Caspio bridge. This limit is set due to some performance concerns. There is a Feature request submitted to our Engineering team to increase the number of Calculated Fields. You may also request for enhancement to this functionality here:


Unfortunately, I have to say that I'm disappointed on two fronts. One is that I can't easily do what I had thought was straightforward. The other is that there is no mention of this limitation - as far as I can see - anywhere in the 'How To' manuals.

In my opinion, being able to put calculated fields in when you need them should not be an 'enhancement' but part of the standard offering.

Sorry for the rant (I actually really like Caspio) but I spent a lot of time worrying that I had done something wrong when, in fact, I hadn't...

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I totally understand and have been there many times...and, as a result I know many ways around these road-blocks. Try the section thing anyway. If that doesn't work, create multiple forms and sync them together with by depoyment, conditional form or other features. I can help if you need it. Give me more detail, in another post, of your project (if you can generally) or email me directly at setupyoursite@yahoo.com..../RA

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Just wanted to inform you about the new feature in Caspio.
Check this documentation in Caspio’s Help center: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-bridge-13-0/
This release includes a new feature of Calculated value in submission form option that allows you to use a calculated field in one of your field that is saved in your table. 
However, this feature only available in the ‘Submission DataPage’.
You can also check this documentation about calculated value: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/datapage-components/calculated-values/ 

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it seems that there is also a limit to virtual fields or this is a bug ...
Steps to reproduce
Create a data page (mine is a report / details based on a user table to load user record where I filter on predefined criteria aka userID)

Select a table field for details page, I used UserID

Add 2 sections so you have 3
Add a virtual field 1 which is a radio button e.g.  Hide 2 and Hide 3, set Hide 2 as default
Add 2 rules,  if Virtual1 is Hide 2, then hide section 2, if Virtual1 is Hide 3 then Hide section 3
Add 8 virtual fields to section 2

Preview and you only get UserID since section 2 is hidden


Change radio button to Hide 3 will show the 8 virtual text fields as expected



Now add  another virtual field to section 2 , preview again and section 1 get's corrupted / removed when displaying section 3


Move the virtual10 to section 3, preview, now section 3 is displayed correctly together with section 1 but when you hide 3, section 1 is corrupted again





This cannot be normal and adding 10 virtual fields to a data sheet should not be a limit at all. Is this a bug ?

Kind regards




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4 hours ago, Ulensr said:


it seems that there is also a limit to virtual fields or this is a bug ...
Steps to reproduce
Create a data page (mine is a report / details based on a user table to load user record where I filter on predefined criteria aka userID)

Select a table field for details page, I used UserID

Add 2 sections so you have 3
Add a virtual field 1 which is a radio button e.g.  Hide 2 and Hide 3, set Hide 2 as default
Add 2 rules,  if Virtual1 is Hide 2, then hide section 2, if Virtual1 is Hide 3 then Hide section 3
Add 8 virtual fields to section 2

Preview and you only get UserID since section 2 is hidden


Change radio button to Hide 3 will show the 8 virtual text fields as expected



Now add  another virtual field to section 2 , preview again and section 1 get's corrupted / removed when displaying section 3


Move the virtual10 to section 3, preview, now section 3 is displayed correctly together with section 1 but when you hide 3, section 1 is corrupted again





This cannot be normal and adding 10 virtual fields to a data sheet should not be a limit at all. Is this a bug ?

Kind regards





After more tests it seems the limit is linked to having +9 virtual fields as text field

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hi @Ulensr I believe this is related to a bug that I have experienced. This has nothing to do with the number of virtual fields/actual fields in the datapage. I believe it is the name of the field. If the fields are named similarly, with just a single digit as the difference, it affects all fields that are similar. For example, a rule that should be affecting Virtual1, will affect Virtual10,Virtual11,Virtual12, and so on. That might be the reason why section gets "corrupted" since the radio button is using Virtual1 as the field and there is a Virtual10 on section 2. 

This was confirmed to be a bug by support and I think they are working on it. For now, a workaround is to use other virtual fields such as Virtual5 or higher to avoid this from happening.

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@Tubby thanks for the reply and the explanation. This indeed makes perfect sense when I read this and I tried to bypass the behavior indeed with your workaround

At first it still failed , I had Virtual1 as selector and started the rest from 5 but when I read your message correct, started with 4 as selector, now it does work


Great , thanks a million

Edited by Ulensr
Succeeded after correct testing
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