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Authentication Requested Repeatedly



I've got a folder that requires authentication. The datapages in the folder often call one another in a multipage approach. During use of the "app" in an iframe installed as a Facebook App the Caspio pages ask for username and password repeatedly at odds times. The session seems broken randomly as you work through the various pages.


Seems far worse with Safari...





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I have researched this and it is due to a situation where Safari will not accept cookies in an iframe unless Safari is set to ACCEPT ALL COOKIES. This is not the default. There are some php work-arounds that are listed, but I am unclear as to how to implement any of them.




Surely someone has dealt with this before regarding authenticated Caspio apps running inside a Facebook iframe.





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No, I don't... simple setup on my end... Joomla wrappers work fine for public Caspio forms and reports. But when they are authenticated forms/reports, the nightmares begin. Always works fine in Chrome, never works in Safari when 3rd-party cookies are not accepted, and now it's acting super-flaky in the latest Firefox. It's really a HUGE problem as I have spent over a year building a system using Joomla as the "template" and menu system, with Caspio as the "guts" of the system, and now it's all basically broken. I am gradually moving forms and reports outside Joomla to get rid of the iframe problem, but this is unacceptable long-term. It's just a clunky mess at the moment. I've been asking for help for over a month and get basically no help. For someone spending over $500/mo on Caspio, this is very frustrating.



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No, the problem is that authenticated forms/reports don't get displayed at all in iframes due to Safari, and now Firefox rejecting cross-domain (3rd-party) cookies. Not sure there is a thing that can be done about it, but it makes using any authenticated forms/reports inside an iframe basically useless. IE doesn't like them either, asking to "Allow all content to be displayed", which many users ignore or don't notice.


So basically, I can't have authenticated forms/reports inside Joomla using iframes (wrappers). I have to kick the user out to to a raw (non-embedded, non-iframed) Caspio url. Very clunky.


Since this problem seems so rarely discussed here I am hoping I am just dumb and missing some basic rule for using authenticated forms/reports in iframes. 


I absolutely LOVE Caspio but this problem is becoming a major league headache for me.



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Getting the iframe in there isn't the problem... I can use embedded code, as well using PHPDirect plug-in... but problem is for authenticated forms/reports... the browsers refuse to accept the cookies (unless toggled on manually) and therefore the system is basically broken. Frame... but no content seen.



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