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Using Query Strings With Qr Code Generator



Hello All


I'm trying to integrate a QR code generator in my Caspio data page.

It works easily enough when using a simple URL, but I don't know how to include Query strings.


As an example, if I use https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=http://website.com then it works fine.


If I try and include query strings at the end though, for example- https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=http://website.com&name=fred&email=fred@aol.com it doesn't work.


I've tried encoding the URL, but that doesn't work either.


Any help would be very gratefully received.






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I want to include a QR Code on a report for each of its record containing some fields of the records.  I saw the comments on this post, but I don´t fully understand, not a techinical guy myself. I know I can include an html block as a field and there an image (this QR code) with an URL which I suppose is the generating link.  The result I want when I read the code is that it shows the name of the fields and the content, ie:

Name: Alejandro


Position: Engineer.

Just that. Which generating link can I use and how shoul I structure the link?

Thanks for the assistance in advance!!!

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Hi there, if you are also planning to integrate a QR Code Scanner in your application, I believe Caspio offers an App Extension for this and you may check that using this link:

https://www.caspio.com/services/request-info/?e=QR Code Scanner

You may also check the rest of the available App Extensions in this link:


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