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Calculating A Field In Submission Form




In a submission form, I have a date field with  calendar popup. I want to add a field for period with the format YYYYMM and store it in the same table as the datasource for the submission form.


Does anyone have a snippet of code that can solve this? And in that case, where do I put it? (Header?, footer?, HTML Block?).


I know that this is a violation of the rules for normalization, but here's the reason why:

I want to search records by period in a report. I can use Date Rollup to group records by month or year, but I can't use it as a search criteria. Therefore, the only solution seems to be to store an extra field in the table. Since YYYYMM contains both month and year, this would be the preferred format.

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Hi Parma2015,


You can insert new criteria in your Report DataPage to filter the field by two boundaries. For example for a Date field you can have two Criteria, FROM and TO so you can search for records that fall within a specific date range.


Hope it helps. 

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