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Calculations In Sumission Forms




I have posted a number og topics about this earlier, but I will not give in until I have a solution (or a qualified answer).

In a report, you have an option to create a calculated field.

I have used this option to pull values through SQL and display it.

So, If it is working in a report page, why is it so tricky to do the same thing in a submisssion form?

I want to pull a value from a table based on values in other fields in a submission form. Could it be that hard?

Could be that there is a conflict between scripts running in the browser vs those running in the database, but then I like to know. I am not a guru, but I know that in VBA, I could do this in a few minutes.


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Hi @Parma2015,

Good News!

As of July 12, 2018, Caspio introduced new features which you can find here: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-bridge-13-0/

This release includes a new feature, Calculated Values in Submission Forms.  This allows you to generate calculations which you can use for Submission Forms. 

Check these videos for more information:




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