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Submit With Errors Redirecting Inappropriately

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We have embedded a Submission Form into our website and are in the testing phase. Everything appears to be working other than when a form is submitted with errors. For example, if not all required fields are entered, after submitting I am directed to the home page of my website instead of seeing the error message.

This was working previously, in the Preview function and on a different website so I'm not sure what has changed.

Thank you.

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Hi Imsimple,


If you use required fields in your form and you didn't enter valid information in those fields or left them blank, the form will not be submitted. It just displays errors and will not let you to submit data until you fill out all the required fields with valid data.


What have you selected for "Destination after record submit" on the "Web Form Wizard - Destination and Emails"

Do you use Javascript for redirection? If you use Javascript, can you provide your script?

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HI Caspio Ninja,


Thanks for the response. We do have required fields and when leaving them blank (for testing) it is not giving us the error messages, but instead redirecting to our home page.  


When we fill the form completely, it redirects to the right new web page as it is supposed to.  So our Destination after record submit is a URL for a landing page.

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I agree! Very unusual.  


So, as I was getting the URL for you and doing one last test to confirm that data does not load to the table upon submission with errors....the form worked! 


After testing multiple times this week, I'm not sure what has changed to make it work today but I'll take it!


Thanks so much for your time.  Perhaps it was a backend Caspio glitch that is now working....who knows.


Thanks again,


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Guess what Matilda.  It stopped working again.  Nothing was changed, it just randomly stopped working. The URL for the submission page is: https://napo.site-ym.com/?caspio_submission.


The only Java Script we are using is in the footer of the form. It is as follows:


 /* "fieldName" is the variable name for the listbox type form element field. */
   var fieldName = "InsertRecordAreaofFocus";
   var x=document.getElementsByName(fieldName);
 /* "fieldName" is the variable name for the listbox type form element field. */
   var fieldName = "InsertRecordKeywords";
   var x=document.getElementsByName(fieldName);
Thanks again.
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  • 1 month later...

We are having a very similar issue - when leaving required fields blank we are not getting the error messages.  Behavior is happening in our production application but not in our Caspio bridge test environment.  Sporadic - this is happening now but was not occurring last week.

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jchamp525 - we were able to solve our issue.  The problem was that when there were errors, the width of the form was too much for the size of the webpage (the error messages show up to the right side of the form fields).  You should be able to adjust your widths to fit within your web page template, or when deploying try using the "Frame" code instead of "Embed" code. I hope this helps you as well.

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