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Do Calculation with javascript in submission form

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I have a submission form where the user clicks a link and it's supposed to do a simple calculation based on a few fields. I can't seem to get it to work right though. 


The fields are: 

MRP (currency)

Supplier_Discount (number)

Cost (currency)


It's a simple calculation I need to do. The user enters the MRP and Supplier Discount and clicks the link to calculate and fill in the Cost. 


The calculation is Cost=MRP-(MRP*Supplier_Discount) so if:

MRP = 1000

Supplier_Discount = .3

Cost = 700


I tested the link calling the js and it works (used a message to test it) and also tested simply doing Cost= MRP and that worked also. It's when I try to call Supplier_Discount and do a calculation that it's not working. 


I'm not sure if it's because Supplier_Discount is a number field and not currency or if I'm just missing some syntax but any help would be greatly appreciated. 


I have this in an html block at the bottom of the submission form: 




$("#k_cyourcost").click(function cyourcost(){

var MRP = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMRP").value;

var Supplier_Discount = document.getElementById("InsertRecordSupplier_Discount").value;

var Cost = (MRP)-((MRP)*(Supplier_Discount));

document.getElementById("InsertRecordCost").value= Cost;




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I've also tried the below based on what I found in the Javascript section of the forum but to no avail:


$("#k_cyourcost").click(function calculate()
   var v_MRP = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordMRP").value);
   var v_Supplier_Discount  = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordSupplier_Discount").value);
   var v_Cost  = (v_MRP * v_Supplier_Discount);
   document.getElementById("InsertRecordCost").value = Math.round(v_Cost);


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Hi MayMusic,

That works great- many thanks.  I'd just figured that out a few minutes ago for a related post I'd put up. It was the cascading text field part that had thrown me off. Thanks again for your ongoing help- these forums really make a difference. 

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Hi MayMusic,

I just realized the above formula isn't rounding for currency like I need it to. For example if:



Cost=2778 when it should actually be 2777.50

How do I modify the below function to use currency rounding with 2 decimals? 

$("#k_cyourcost").click(function calculate()
   var v_MRP = parseFloat(document.getElementById("EditRecordItems_MRP").value);
   var v_Supplier_Discount  = parseFloat(document.getElementsByName("EditRecordItems_Supplier_Discount")[0].value);
   var v_Cost  = (v_MRP-(v_MRP * v_Supplier_Discount));
   document.getElementById("EditRecordCost").value = Math.round(v_Cost);

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  • 2 years later...

Hi @DesiLogi,

As of July 12, 2018, Caspio introduced new features which you can find here: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-bridge-13-0/

This release includes a new feature, Calculated Values in Submission Forms.  This allows you to generate calculations which you can use for your Cost field.

Check these videos for more information:

I hope this helps!

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