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Email notifications - 30 days, 60 days and 90 days



I have a form data page specifically to input Contract data and that form has a field titled End Date and I am trying to set up a notification reminder where an email gets sent out to a particular person 30 days prior to the end date.   However, the system appears to only send the email when I submit the form.  I'm assuming I am missing a trigger or something that tells the field to send the email on a designated date.  Has anyone every tried something like this?  If so, please share :)  Thank you!  Robin

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Hi Robin,

That is something we would like to have, but currently caspio emails are sent upon a user action as you mentioned. However, I am working right now in a way to send notifications when certain conditions are met, without any action from the user but I am using third party services to send the email through its API and then calculated fields in a tabular report to compare todays date with all the other conditions.

In your case, since you have an expiration date set, you could use a formula field and DateAdd() function https://howto.caspio.com/function-reference/ to have dates with 30 or 90 dates before the expiration date. 

Then you could have a tabular report and put your API code to the email delivery service you chose, (I am using MailGun), do not forget to deploy this datapage. After this, create a cronJob to open this datapage accordingly so the script runs by itself.

Hopefully in the future, Caspio would create a way to do it with no hassle but at this time, this is the only way I have found.

Maybe this could give you some light.

Good luck!

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Caspio will custom build this for you, for a fee.  And then there will be a monthly fee to keep it up and running.  We had them build something like this for us where I work.  I hated paying to have the script written, and then seeing the monthly costs added in.  However, the solution was well done, quickly implemented, and it's supported through all Caspio updates.  If you see this as vital to your app, I recommend working with the Caspio team to get  it built.  They are great to work with.

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Hi all, 


Scheduled Tasks is one of the new features that Caspio released last October. 

Tasks are operations that you can create in your application and run them manually or automatically based on a predefined schedule. They can be very useful for automating repetitive actions, like data modifications or sending email and SMS notifications. 

I believe that this feature is what you need. 


You can refer to this link on how to create scheduled tasks: https://howto.caspio.com/tasks/


Hope this helps.




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