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Display additional fields to form once completed



Hi guys,

I'm trying to have a situation where a form is displayed to the user whereupon they enter particular information (Fields A - E), should this information be reviewed (user ticks "reviewed, Y/N" box), further fields (Fields F - P) are made visible to the user where they can enter in more descriptive information which was not asked in the first form. 

At the end, all the information pertaining to a specific incident must be combined so that reports can generated at a later stage. 

Ideally, in my mind, should the user tick the "yes tick box", further fields are displayed upon which the user can enter in more descriptive information. If I'm not mistaken, and if function could be utilised in this case.

Another way of explaining this: Is it possible for a user to enter information into a form (Fields A - E) and submit that form. The form is then viewed at a later stage and further information can be added to that specific form in new text fields (Fields F - P).  Is this possible and if so, how would one go about doing this.

Any information as to how this could be done would be greatly appreciated, if any further details are required please don't hesitate to ask.

Many Thanks!

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If you just want to display fields F-P after filling up fields A-E, you can do that in rules. You can make your fields F-P hidden when fields A-E are not filled out yet.


You can also apply rules on checkboxes. If the checkboxed is check, fields F-P will be displayed. Here is another screenshot: 



You may also check on my sample app here.


Hope this helps.




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