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Joining two old, big tables



Hey all. Fairly new to Caspio.

I have two really big tables. One is for the Bids we do, the other is for the actual Jobs we do. Both tables have a ton of data - although nothing similar.

The names of the bid/job are not identical, so I can't join them together with that. I have an Auto ID as AutoBidID going for my Bid table and a different Auto ID as CAS_JOB_ID for my Jobs table. They are obviously different. I need to join these tables so that I can make an app where I can see what bids were accepted (if we have the job - we won the bid) and what ones were not.

Do I need to start a new AutoNumberID and go back to match every name in both tables manually? I cannot think of another way.

Thanks for the help.




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Hi @kpcollier,

Perhaps you can try to achieve the desired join with Full outer join type in View. You can also use filtering criteria in order to show only certain records.

  • Full Outer Join – Includes all records in both tables, even when there are no matching records on the other side. In this case you will have both properties without agents and agents without properties.


Hope this helps.



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I just want to add something about joining tables.

Joining huge tables (both with millions of rows of records) together is not performance wise as it will definitely slow the retrieval.

The delays are most specially often when you are filtering the records in that view.

Just a friendly reminder. Hope this helps.


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