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Mystery CSS - cant find it to make changes

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I have a site I need to increase space between listbox items, increase space between checkbox and label, and show full list box item width, and maybe loose scroll (show all).


Chrome Dev clearly shows the the code, .ListData .Item and when I increase line-height: it increases space between listbox line choices.  Some of the code comes from Weebly were hosted, and some from Caspio.  But I cant find this resultant CSS in the Weebly style editor or the Caspio style editor.  Chrome Dev seems to point it to code originating from Caspio though: https://c3ebv137.caspio.com/scripts/Core/Dialog.css and I dont know how to access that area.  Thoughts?

Need to
1.  which margin or padding woud increase space btwn check box and label entry.

2.  Expand  box area to show full entries veritcally and horizontally, no scroll?


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@roattw Have you tried looking through the Source in Styles with the style you are using for the datapage? I know there is a standard option on Styles to edit padding under Form/Details -> Fields, although if you try searching in All and through Source, you may be able to find the .ListData rules. Personally, when I've tried to custom rule my CSS, I always forget about the Styles tab in the caspio bridge, haha. 

Simple, but thought I would ask to make sure.

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Hi @roattw,

You can override the CSS design of your DataPage by adding '!important'  to your CSS style. You just need to specify the name of your HTML tag.

You can put this code on the Header of your DataPage.

  #ID_of_your_element {
    // you can overide everything by just adding '!important' , this is just an example
        padding: 0 12px !important;
		height: 24px !important;

If you want, I can try to edit this for you. Just provide the URL where I can see your DataPage. And I will do my best to assist you.



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19 hours ago, kpcollier said:

@roattw Have you tried looking through the Source in Styles with the style you are using for the datapage? I know there is a standard option on Styles to edit padding under Form/Details -> Fields, although if you try searching in All and through Source, you may be able to find the .ListData rules. Personally, when I've tried to custom rule my CSS, I always forget about the Styles tab in the caspio bridge, haha. 

Simple, but thought I would ask to make sure.

Thanks for the reply!  I checked those first. I did a text search for .ListDate and .item in all the CSS (both Caspio and Weebly applied). Didnt turn up anywhere. Thats what confused me.  Chrome Dev Inspect showsit renders as that and  it plainly and being called from Casio somehow at  https://c3ebv137.caspio.com/scripts/Core/Dialog.css    Wierd.

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