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Import Update Logic



Does the import 'update' option also have the capability to delete and add items as part of the import?  Let's say the 'inventory' destination table has 10 items. We import a file of 8 records and we want the logic to be:

  • 6 import items match 6 table items match so no update to table takes place (number of records in the table is still 10)  
  • 1 new item imported, so add that item to the table  (number of records in the table is now 11)  
  • 1 imported item matches a table item but has a single data change,  so update that item in the table (number of records in the table is still 11)
  • the kicker - if 3 items in the current table are not included in the import file, is there a way to auto-delete them from the table upon import?   (This would take the number of items in the table to 8) 

New to caspio, trying to understand the update logic




Edited by SteveT
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Hi @SteveT,

For the Update Action on Import, what it does to update the table provided that they have a Unique Field.

If there are new records in the file you're importing, you should use the Append actions. If you're updating and adding new records, you'll be using two actions: Append and Update. 

However, these actions do not have the ability to delete the records that are not in the imported table, REPLACE can. 
If you replace the table, it only means that you are overwriting the table. 

Hope this helps. 

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