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  1. OK, I'm still fairly new to the world of getting information out on the web. My question is about the best way to deploy my datapages. I have created several datapages for communicating information to my clients about the work my company has done on their property. I also created a Wix site to display the information. I have navigation in the wix site, and each of the Wix web pages has an HTML frame that displays a datapage. Some web pages have more than one datapage in it. The problems this creates are: 1. Before login, every window shows the login box. The Home page has 3 windows in it, so each page shows the login box. After login, the login boxes in the other HTML windows don't go away. 2. I used the logout function written in the Help site, but when I logout it shows a miniature version of the entire datapage in the window where the logout function is shown. My questions are probably very basic. Am I doing this right? Is Caspio intended to deploy on a single page and then have the navigation be from one datapage to another completely within a single Wix web page? If so, how is the navigation within Caspio to work? Is navigation in a 3rd party web hosting system usable and, if so, what are the tricks to make it function right?
  2. Thanks, Jan. I'm going to give this a try and see if I have better results!.
  3. My question is probably very basic and there is no Caspio for Dummies. I have written some tables and data pages and it is time to deploy. I want a stand-alone login page, so I created a login form, a larger user form, an authentication, and I checked auto login for other forms. I understood that for deployment I am to create my webpages with my colors, logo, and some web navigation in my web-publication service (Wix, in my case) and then deploy Caspio information inside the webpages in smaller areas. However, that understanding was challenged when I tried to define a URL after successful login. When I did that, there was a tiny version of the URL inside the small login window I created. It does not advance my website to the new URL, just the Caspio window. Somebody help - is Caspio designed to be the entire webpage or is it just a small, embedded tool within my website? If I define a URL after successful login, is it advancing my overall website to the new page, or is it just advancing the Caspio datapages to a new URL? I believe it is advancing the entire website, but it is not working. Help would be appreciated.
  4. I am fairly new to this, so forgive me if this is a simple matter. I would like to know if there is a way to use an authentication to change the page of the Wix website it is hosted on. My application is fairly complex (at least for me) and I would like the authentication that occurs at the beginning of the app flow to advance the page on the website to the authentication-protected material. The issue is - with multpile pages on the website and different Caspio datapages on each webpage, how do I provide a user with website navigation but keep the user from having access to the navigation until after they have logged in? If I show a menu on all pages, then they can advance without logging in. If I don't provide a menu on the home (login) page, then how do they advance to other pages that have additional Caspio-based content? The issue is that Caspio controls only the database tables, etc. (I think). My website will have different pages that have different parts of my app, each displaying a different datapage. If I don't provide webpage navigation, how can I get them from one page to another? If I do provide webpage navigation, how do I make it appear only after they have logged in?
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