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skauntey last won the day on March 11 2016

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  1. Hi all, I am currently developing a recruitment portal which will have vacancies advertised from around 10 different recruitment agents. I understand that using their login information, these agents will be able to post vacancies using Caspio portal. However, these recruiters also would like to showcase/embed their mandates (vacancies) on their company website so that applicants can apply directly on their website as opposed to being directed from the community portal. As neither applicants nor recruitment agents (on the individual websites) will be required to log in, how can I filter the jobs posted by an individual recruiter? Is it possible to filter the results based on Web IP address, Domain Name or Server IP address - any information that is acquired without a search query? Many thanks Kauntey
  2. Hi ezIQchad, Could you please elaborate, how to install the script you have mentioned here? In theory, I find it quite useful but faced some difficulties while implementing right codes at right places. Thanks in advance.
  3. I am building a simple messaging app, and I would like to hide "Comment" button based on whether user is logged in. So the visitors can read the comments posted by others but in order to answer them, they have to login. Any help greatly appreciated ! Cheers
  4. Hi all, I am looking for a working solution to resize iframe height and width. I have used an iframe to embed a submission form on my website. This form has various rules (4 in total) in place so as per option selected by the users , the form will change its height. Ideally, I would like to resize the iframe accordingly. Will appreciate if somebody could share a successful solution they might have come across? I have browsed a bit and found an interesting discussion thread on stack overflow . I tried various alternatives BUT with no success! The code that I have currently embedded on the webpage is below, ------------------------ <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function autoResize(id){ var newheight; var newwidth; if(document.getElementById){ newheight = document.getElementById(id).contentWindow.document .body.scrollHeight; newwidth = document.getElementById(id).contentWindow.document .body.scrollWidth; } document.getElementById(id).height = (newheight) + "px"; document.getElementById(id).width = (newwidth) + "px"; } </script> </head> <body> <iframe src="Caspio. URL of Datapage" width="100%" id="iframe1" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" onLoad="autoResize('iframe1');"></iframe></body> ---------------------- Any help most welcome! Thanks in advance. K
  5. Has anybody successfully integrated 'auto-scrolling' script or function in their record view? I would like to replace paging feature (<<Page 1,2,3,..>>) with simple and easy to understand " Load more options button" towards the end of the results page. So that user can continue browsing / scrolling instead of bothered with the page numbers etc. you can find one here: http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/forum/43-ask-questions-read-answers/ Thanks in advance. K
  6. Hi, I found Caspio's tech tip on adding a date specific new record to calendar quite useful and handy. Which can be found on the attached link below, http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/how-to-create-date-specific-new-record-links-in-calendar-datapages/ However the Java script used within script is only customised to Monthly calendar. I wonder if anybody has tried to alter this script for weekly calendar? I think weekly calendar would offer some clarity and less cluttered space in scheduling appointments and events. Thanks in advance. Script: <script> var month = ""; var allSpanTags = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for (i=0; i<allSpanTags.length; i++) { if (allSpanTags.className == "cbResultSetCalendarCaption"){ month = allSpanTags.innerHTML; } } month = month.replace(/January /gi,"1/Day/"); month = month.replace(/February /gi,"2/Day/"); month = month.replace(/March /gi,"3/Day/"); month = month.replace(/April /gi,"4/Day/"); month = month.replace(/May /gi,"5/Day/"); month = month.replace(/June /gi,"6/Day/"); month = month.replace(/July /gi,"7/Day/"); month = month.replace(/August /gi,"8/Day/"); month = month.replace(/September /gi,"9/Day/"); month = month.replace(/October /gi,"10/Day/"); month = month.replace(/November /gi,"11/Day/"); month = month.replace(/December /gi,"12/Day/"); var allHTMLTags = new Array(); //Create Array of All HTML Tags var allHTMLTags = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); //Loop through all tags using a for loop for (i=0; i<allHTMLTags.length; i++) { //Get all tags with the specified class name. if (allHTMLTags.className == "cbResultSetCalendarField") { var transfer = month.replace(/Day/gi,allHTMLTags.innerHTML); /*Begin Add New Link Section*/ allHTMLTags.innerHTML = allHTMLTags.innerHTML +'<br><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="URL?Date='+transfer+'">Add New</a>'; /*End of Add New Link Section*/ } } </script>
  7. Has anybody successfully integrated Caspio Calendar with the Google Calendar and/or Microsoft outlook. I am building a platform for users to offer/ showcase their services to potential clients. I expect them schedule multiple appointments and register for events using calendar provided, which is Caspio super-powered weekly calendar Once user enter information, I would like an automated email sent out to their personal email along with the links. - By clicking these links user can automatically add event data to calendar of their choice either Google or Microsoft or both. I was wondering if anybody on the forum has created similar work flow, or an alternative solution to the similar problem. Please note I come from a non-techie background. Any heads up! greatly appreciated. Best,
  8. Quite useful thread on the topic! Adding further to the discussion, I observed that once embedded the data transfer is nearly 2/3 times higher than individual data page. And in some cases (charts for example) this goes up to nearly Ten folds. Perhaps some could explain why is this happening? Besides I found this announcement made in Nov 2015; may not be relevant in this context but thought I would link it any way. http://blog.caspio.com/caspio-news/update-on-caspios-data-transfer-policy/ Best
  9. I think discussions below can help solve the problem http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/5383-role-based-edits-on-datapages/?hl=insert_datapage_1_url_here#entry16944 http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/5421-is-it-possible-to-display-records-depends-on-role-in-an-authentication/?hl=checkbox http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4866-showhide-buttons-based-on-authentication/?hl=authentication Best luck
  10. Found the answer. http://howto.caspio.com/parameters/resetting-parameters/ Thanks for reading.
  11. Is it possible to delete/ reset parameters (automatically) , passed using URL string , once done? I am trying pass various parameters (three in total) to a single table using one auto submit. Passed data is stored in their corresponding columns ONE at a time. Only one data string is passed at once using URL query method. Just to simplify, data is collected from three different points at different time but they are passed using one Auto-submit to a single table. The situation I am facing here is when I pass one piece of information let's say 'ProductA_ID', the ID gets store in the virtual memory. Now suppose I pass "ProductB_ID' immediately after; In the table it enters ProductB_ID (in column & ProductA_ID (in column A). Which duplicates the ID of ProductA in the same column. One possible alternative would be use of different auto-submits for different products. However ideally I would like to know if there is a possibility to remove ID from virtual memory immediately after passed? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi Chad I know I am late in responding but thanks for this. It is a clever solution. Best,
  13. Hi Chad Thanks for your reply. Membership type refers to a type of client let's say free (users) and paid (enterprise). Situation is like this: Paid and unpaid both can add products to their basket but only paid customers can customize it as per their preferences and taste. I am using List and Tabular layout to display products. Depending on the membership type I would like to hide/show Record Action Container and Grid Edit function. Hope this helps. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi All, I would like to hide Record Action Container depending on the type of membership, a user has subscribed to. By hiding, I meant visibility of the container not the interactivity. I understand that it is easy to switch off the visibility by selecting not to display. But this will complicate the matter and far from ideal as I have over 4 different types of memberships and 20 different pages that require Record Action Container - in some cases hidden where as in others either fully displayed ( means Delete and Detail options) or partially displayed( either Delete or Detail). I would really like to have a simple solution that works like this. If this checkbox A & B is checked, display Delete and Detail If checkbox A is checked, display Delete If checkbox B is checked, display Detail If none is checked, hide Record Action Container. These checkboxes are checked automatically at the Record Level depending on the membership type. Thanks in advance K
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