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  1. So in other words, I cannot use directories for my authentication if I want cross-app login abilities? Thank you so much for your response, CoopperBackpack.
  2. I have the same problem. Has anyone resolved this? I just switched from user table to directory. I have 1 directory and multiple authentications linked to that directory and multiple views. Anytime a user goes to a new page with a different authentication, they have to click a login button before the page will load.
  3. Hi. I have a datapage that will allow users to create a PDF treatment sheet for patients enrolled on cancer studies. There are multiple studies and each treatment sheets looks quite different, so I have created unique treatment sheets in Caspio's document templates. The datapage that is a tabular report that filters data based on my pre-defined criteria. I allow inline insert at the top as a means for users to add records. All records in the results are ALWAYS associate with one study. When the user completes the fields in the inline insert, a record is generated. I would like the results in this record to show the Generated PDF link for the appropriate study. I cannot figure out how to do this. Since the generated pdf link doesn't show up as a field, I cannot use a calculated field to show the PDF that I want. So I tried creating all of the links to the PDFs... Below I passed a study parameter [@studyid] so the only records displayed are for the one particular study. But all tx sheets column's are there I cannot figure out how to hide the columns conditionally. What I would like to do is pass a parameter [@studyid] and have that study's tx sheet be the only thing displayed. One treatments sheet template for each record. Any guidance would be truly appreciated.
  4. I have a lot of tasks that use table variables in emails. The column headers of the table display the field name, which is not ideal. I use expressions to change the column header.
  5. I was able to figure this out with some help from @CoopperBackpack in a different thread. THANK YOU!
  6. Hi! Did you ever figure out how to change the table header values? I have the same problem.
  7. This is absolutely fantastic. It's working beautifully. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  8. Hi, Roattw! Can you share your final solution? I have the same problem that you have. I have a table with reminders that are "owned" by different users. I would like to create a task that sends a table variable to each user with only their own records. User one is emailed the table of her own records, user two is email the table with his own records, and so on.
  9. Hi, thanks for trying to help me. I'm so stuck! Yes, I did join the those two fields you mentioned. it's the section highlighted in green. CTMS_t_User.User_ID is joined with CTMS_t_Screen.Screen_User_ID.
  10. Thank you! But my files are stored in CASPIO and they are confidential, so that solution won't work since it says files have to be stored outside the database.
  11. I would love a solution to the very same problem. Would like to view rather than download pdf files that are stored in Caspio but are confidential. Datapage is authenticated.
  12. Hi. I am stumped by a problem. I have nurses who screen patients for clinical trials. Once they screen, they enter a date into a follow-up field. I would like to send a email every Monday with a list of the patients who have follow-up dates coming in the next week. I have created a task with a table variable that looks like this. I didn't include it but the WHERE portion where I set the 7 day window works fine. In the exxample below, Screening.User_ID is the Nurse and I join it with User.User_ID so that I can access the nurse's email. The email portion is also working fine. There are two nurses (Ginger & Ivana) who have patients with follow-up dates in the next 7 days. And Both Ginger and Ivana receive their own email with the table. The problem is that I want the email to Ginger to only contain Ginger's patients and the email to Ivana to only contain Ivana's patients. Any help would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  13. Hi! I was actually able to figure it out. I had to customize the following in my CSS. It was 14px. Thank you so much for your help! div.numInputWrapper span { position: absolute; right: 0; width: 2px; height: 50%; line-height: 50%; cursor: pointer; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }
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